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All Outputs (3)

Developing Porous Ortho- and Pyrophosphate-Containing Glass Microspheres; Structural and Cytocompatibility Characterisation (2022)
Journal Article
Milborne, B., Murrell, L., Cardillo-Zallo, I., Titman, J., Briggs, L., Scotchford, C., Thompson, A., Layfield, R., & Ahmed, I. (2022). Developing Porous Ortho- and Pyrophosphate-Containing Glass Microspheres; Structural and Cytocompatibility Characterisation. Bioengineering, 9(11), Article 611.

Phosphate-based glasses (PBGs) are promising materials for bone repair and regeneration as they can be formulated to be compositionally similar to the inorganic components of bone. Alterations to the PBG formulation can be used to tailor their degrad... Read More about Developing Porous Ortho- and Pyrophosphate-Containing Glass Microspheres; Structural and Cytocompatibility Characterisation.

Perceptions and Experiences of the University of Nottingham Pilot SARS-CoV-2 Asymptomatic Testing Service: A Mixed-Methods Study (2021)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Briggs, L., Blake, H., Hassard, J., Cirelli, C., Daly, J., Corner, J., Bennett, M., Chappell, J., Fairclough, L., McClure, C., Tarr, A., Tighe, P., Favier, A., Irving, W., & Ball, J. (2021, March). Perceptions and Experiences of the University of Nottingham Pilot SARS-CoV-2 Asymptomatic Testing Service: A Mixed-Methods Study. Poster presented at MedAll International Virtual Medical Conference, Online

Perceptions and Experiences of the University of Nottingham Pilot SARS-CoV-2 Asymptomatic Testing Service: A Mixed-Methods Study (2021)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Briggs, L., Blake, H., Cirelli, C., Corner, J., Hassard, J., Daly, J., Chappell, J., Bennett, M., Fairclough, L., McClure, C., Tarr, A., Tighe, P., Favier, A., Irving, W., & Ball, J. (2021, March). Perceptions and Experiences of the University of Nottingham Pilot SARS-CoV-2 Asymptomatic Testing Service: A Mixed-Methods Study. Poster presented at RSM National Conference 2021, Online