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All Outputs (40)

DFPulse: The 2024 digital forensic practitioner survey (2024)
Journal Article
Hargreaves, C., Breitinger, F., Dowthwaite, L., Webb, H., & Scanlon, M. (2024). DFPulse: The 2024 digital forensic practitioner survey. Forensic Science International: Digital Investigation, 51, Article 301844.

This paper reports on the largest survey of digital forensic practitioners to date (DFPulse) conducted from March to May 2024 resulting in 122 responses. The survey collected information about practitioners' operating environments, the technologies t... Read More about DFPulse: The 2024 digital forensic practitioner survey.

Technology for Environmental Policy: Exploring Perceptions, Values, and Trust in a Citizen Carbon Budget App (2024)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Dowthwaite, L., Reyes-Cruz, G., Lu, Y., Lisinska, J., Craigon, P., Piskopani, A.-M., Shafipour, E., Stein, S., & Fischer, J. (2024, September). Technology for Environmental Policy: Exploring Perceptions, Values, and Trust in a Citizen Carbon Budget App. Presented at TAS '24: Second International Symposium on Trustworthy Autonomous Systems, Austin, Texas, USA

Personal Carbon Allowances (PCAs) are a policy idea for reducing individual carbon emissions, originally proposed in the UK in the 1990s, but promptly discarded due to concerns about low public acceptability and technological limitations. Decades lat... Read More about Technology for Environmental Policy: Exploring Perceptions, Values, and Trust in a Citizen Carbon Budget App.

Responsible AI in policing (2024)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Webb, H., Fitzroy-Dale, N., Aqeel, S., Piskopani, A.-M., Stafford-Fraser, Q., Dowthwaite, L., McAuley, D., & Hargreaves, C. (2024, September). Responsible AI in policing. Presented at Second International Symposium on Trustworthy Autonomous Systems (TAS '24), Austin, Texas, USA

The deployment of AI-driven technologies in policing is often welcomed as an opportunity to enhance efficiency in dealing with crime. At the same time, however, these technologies pose risks around data bias, data protection, accuracy and privacy. In... Read More about Responsible AI in policing.

A Taxonomy of Domestic Robot Failure Outcomes: Understanding the impact of failure on trustworthiness of domestic robots (2024)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Cameron, H. R., Castle-Green, S., Chughtai, M., Dowthwaite, L., Kucukyilmaz, A., A. Maior, H. A., Ngo, V., Schneiders, E., & C. Stahl, B. (2024, September). A Taxonomy of Domestic Robot Failure Outcomes: Understanding the impact of failure on trustworthiness of domestic robots. Presented at Trustworthy Autonomous Systems International Symposium '24, Austin, Texas, USA

Domestic robots are fast becoming an integrated part of daily life. In anticipation of increased uptake of robotic assistants in the home, researchers and designers must investigate what makes domestic robotic interventions trustworthy or untrustwort... Read More about A Taxonomy of Domestic Robot Failure Outcomes: Understanding the impact of failure on trustworthiness of domestic robots.

A Call to Action: Designing a more transparent online world for children and young people (2024)
Journal Article
Portillo, V., Dowthwaite, L., Creswick, H., Vallejos, E. P., Ten Holter, C., Koene, A., Jirotka, M., & Zhao, J. (2024). A Call to Action: Designing a more transparent online world for children and young people. Journal of Responsible Technology, 19, Article 100093.

This paper reports on a qualitative research study that explored the practical and emotional experiences of young people aged 13–17 using algorithmically-mediated online platforms. It demonstrates an RI-based methodology for responsible two-way dialo... Read More about A Call to Action: Designing a more transparent online world for children and young people.

Implementing responsible innovation: the role of the meso-level(s) between project and organisation (2024)
Journal Article
Stahl, B. C., Portillo, V., Wagner, H., Craigon, P. J., Darzentas, D., De Ossorno Garcia, S., Dowthwaite, L., Greenhalgh, C., Middleton, S. E., Nichele, E., Wagner, C., & Webb, H. (2024). Implementing responsible innovation: the role of the meso-level(s) between project and organisation. Journal of Responsible Innovation, 11(1), Article 2370934.

Much of academic discussion of responsible innovation (RI) has focused on RI integration into research projects. In addition, significant attention has also been paid to RI structures and policies at the research policy and institutional level. This... Read More about Implementing responsible innovation: the role of the meso-level(s) between project and organisation.

"Like rearranging deck chairs on the Titanic"? Feasibility, Fairness, and Ethical Concerns of a Citizen Carbon Budget for Reducing CO2 Emissions (2024)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Reyes-Cruz, G., Craigon, P., Piskopani, A.-M., Dowthwaite, L., Lu, Y., Lisinska, J., Shafipour, E., Stein, S., & Fischer, J. (2024, June). "Like rearranging deck chairs on the Titanic"? Feasibility, Fairness, and Ethical Concerns of a Citizen Carbon Budget for Reducing CO2 Emissions. Presented at FAccT '24: Proceedings of the 2024 ACM Conference on Fairness, Accountability, and Transparency, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Radical and disruptive interventions are needed to reach "Net Zero" by 2050 to avert the climate catastrophe. Although governments, companies, cities, and institutions have pledged to take action and reduce their carbon emissions, the idea of persona... Read More about "Like rearranging deck chairs on the Titanic"? Feasibility, Fairness, and Ethical Concerns of a Citizen Carbon Budget for Reducing CO2 Emissions.

How Personal Value Orientations Influence Behaviors in Digital Citizen Science (2024)
Journal Article
Jeong, E., Jackson, C., Dowthwaite, L., Johnson, C., & Trouille, L. (2024). How Personal Value Orientations Influence Behaviors in Digital Citizen Science. Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction, 8(CSCW1), 1-25.

While much research has examined motivations for contributing to citizen science projects, few studies have considered the role of personal values in directing citizen scientists' interactions and contribution patterns. We investigated whether person... Read More about How Personal Value Orientations Influence Behaviors in Digital Citizen Science.

Assessing relative contribution of Environmental, Behavioural and Social factors on Life Satisfaction via mobile app data (2023)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Milligan, G., Harvey, J., Dowthwaite, L., Vallejos, E. P., Nica-Avram, G., & Goulding, J. (2023, December). Assessing relative contribution of Environmental, Behavioural and Social factors on Life Satisfaction via mobile app data. Presented at 2023 IEEE International Conference on Big Data, Sorrento, Italy

Life satisfaction significantly contributes to wellbe-ing and is linked to positive outcomes for individual people and society more broadly. However, previous research demonstrates that many factors contribute to the life satisfaction of an individua... Read More about Assessing relative contribution of Environmental, Behavioural and Social factors on Life Satisfaction via mobile app data.

Examining the Use of Autonomous Systems for Home Health Support Using a Smart Mirror (2023)
Journal Article
Dowthwaite, L., Reyes Cruz, G., Pena, A. R., Pepper, C., Jäger, N., Barnard, P., Hughes, A.-M., das Nair, R., Crepaz-Keay, D., Cobb, S., Lang, A., & Benford, S. (2023). Examining the Use of Autonomous Systems for Home Health Support Using a Smart Mirror. Healthcare, 11(19), Article 2608.

The home is becoming a key location for healthcare delivery, including the use of technology driven by autonomous systems (AS) to monitor and support healthcare plans. Using the example of a smart mirror, this paper describes the outcomes of focus gr... Read More about Examining the Use of Autonomous Systems for Home Health Support Using a Smart Mirror.

Navigating the labyrinth of RI through a practical application — A case study in a cross-disciplinary research project (2023)
Journal Article
Zhao, J., Patel, M., Inglesant, P., Portillo, V., Webb, H., Dowthwaite, L., Fiddi, P., Legastelois, B., Perez Vallejos, E., Rovatsos, M., & Jirotka, M. (2023). Navigating the labyrinth of RI through a practical application — A case study in a cross-disciplinary research project. Journal of Responsible Technology, 15, Article 100064.

Responsible Innovation (RI) aims to enable research and innovation to take a more systematic approach to anticipating potential risks and consequences of planned research/innovative outputs. The Anticipation, Reflection, Engagement and Action (AREA)... Read More about Navigating the labyrinth of RI through a practical application — A case study in a cross-disciplinary research project.

A Practical Taxonomy of TAS-related Usecase Scenarios (2023)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Masters, P., Young, V., Chamberlain, A., Weerawardhana, S., McKenna, P. E., Lu, Y., Dowthwaite, L., Luff, P., & Moreau, L. (2023, July). A Practical Taxonomy of TAS-related Usecase Scenarios. Presented at Proceedings of the First International Symposium on Trustworthy Autonomous Systems, Edinburgh, UK

This paper proposes a taxonomy of experimental usecase scenarios to facilitate research into trustworthy autonomous systems (TAS). Unable to identify an open-access repository of usecases to support our research, the project team embarked on developm... Read More about A Practical Taxonomy of TAS-related Usecase Scenarios.

An Exploration of how Trust Online Relates to Psychological and Subjective Wellbeing (2023)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Dowthwaite, L., Perez Vallejos, E., Portillo, V., Patel, M., Zhao, J., & Creswick, H. (2023, July). An Exploration of how Trust Online Relates to Psychological and Subjective Wellbeing. Presented at ACM International Conference Proceeding Series, Edinburgh, UK

Internet users often report feelings of stress, anxiety, and a lack of control, often related to uncertainty about the use of algorithms and autonomous systems (AS) behind what they encounter. This may lead to a loss of trust in the services, content... Read More about An Exploration of how Trust Online Relates to Psychological and Subjective Wellbeing.

TAME Pain: Trustworthy AssessMEnt of Pain from Speech and Audio for the Empowerment of Patients (2023)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Schneiders, E., Williams, J., Farahi, A., Seabrooke, T., Vigneswaran, G., Bautista, J. R., Dowthwaite, L., & Piskopani, A. M. (2023, July). TAME Pain: Trustworthy AssessMEnt of Pain from Speech and Audio for the Empowerment of Patients. Presented at TAS'23: First International Symposium on Trustworthy Autonomous Systems, Edinburgh, UK

Precise pain assessment is crucial for medical professionals to provide appropriate treatment. However, not every patient can verbalise the experienced pain for various reasons (e.g., speech disorders or language barriers). In these cases, medical pr... Read More about TAME Pain: Trustworthy AssessMEnt of Pain from Speech and Audio for the Empowerment of Patients.

Examining the Use of Autonomous Systems for Home Health Support using a Smart Mirror (2023)
Preprint / Working Paper
Dowthwaite, L., Reyez Cruz, G., Pena, A. R., Pepper, C., Jäger, N., Barnard, P., Hughes, A.-M., Nair, R. D., Crepaz-Keay, D., Cobb, S., & Benford, S. Examining the Use of Autonomous Systems for Home Health Support using a Smart Mirror

The home is becoming a key location for healthcare delivery, including the use of technology driven by autonomous systems (AS) to monitor and support healthcare plans. Using the example of a smart mirror, this paper describes the outcomes of focus gr... Read More about Examining the Use of Autonomous Systems for Home Health Support using a Smart Mirror.

TrustScapes: A Visualisation Tool to Capture Stakeholders’ Concerns and Recommendations About Data Protection, Algorithmic Bias, and Online Safety (2023)
Journal Article
Ito-Jaeger, S., Lane, G., Dowthwaite, L., Webb, H., Patel, M., Rawsthorne, M., Portillo, V., Jirotka, M., & Perez Vallejos, E. (2023). TrustScapes: A Visualisation Tool to Capture Stakeholders’ Concerns and Recommendations About Data Protection, Algorithmic Bias, and Online Safety. International Journal of Qualitative Methods, 22,

This paper presents a new methodological approach, TrustScapes, an open access tool designed to identify and visualise stakeholders’ concerns and policy recommendations on data protection, algorithmic bias, and online safety for a fairer and more tru... Read More about TrustScapes: A Visualisation Tool to Capture Stakeholders’ Concerns and Recommendations About Data Protection, Algorithmic Bias, and Online Safety.

TrustScapes: A visualisation tool to capture stakeholders' concerns and recommendations about data protection, algorithmic bias, and online safety (2023)
Journal Article
Ito-Jaeger, S., Lane, G., Dowthwaite, L., Webb, H., Patel, M., Rawsthorne, M., Portillo, V., Jirotka, M., & Perez Vallejos, E. (2023). TrustScapes: A visualisation tool to capture stakeholders' concerns and recommendations about data protection, algorithmic bias, and online safety. International Journal of Qualitative Methods, 22, 1-10.

This paper presents a new methodological approach, TrustScapes, an open access tool designed to identify and visualise stakeholders’ concerns and policy recommendations on data protection, algorithmic bias, and online safety for a fairer and more tru... Read More about TrustScapes: A visualisation tool to capture stakeholders' concerns and recommendations about data protection, algorithmic bias, and online safety.

Assessing responsible innovation training (2023)
Journal Article
Stahl, B. C., Aicardi, C., Brooks, L., Craigon, P. J., Cunden, M., Burton, S. D., Heaver, M. D., Saille, S. D., Dolby, S., Dowthwaite, L., Eke, D., Hughes, S., Keene, P., Kuh, V., Portillo, V., Shanley, D., Smallman, M., Smith, M., Stilgoe, J., Ulnicane, I., …Webb, H. (2023). Assessing responsible innovation training. Journal of Responsible Technology, 16, Article 100063.

There is broad agreement that one important aspect of responsible innovation (RI) is to provide training on its principles and practices to current and future researchers and innovators, notably including doctoral students. Much less agreement can be... Read More about Assessing responsible innovation training.

Reflections on Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI) for Trustworthy Autonomous Systems (TAS): A message from Journal of Responsible Technology Special Issue's editors (2023)
Journal Article
Vallejos, E. P., Dowthwaite, L., Barnard, P., & Coomber, B. (2023). Reflections on Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI) for Trustworthy Autonomous Systems (TAS): A message from Journal of Responsible Technology Special Issue's editors. Journal of Responsible Technology, 14, Article 100059.

Assessing the Value Orientations of Contributors to Virtual Citizen Science Projects (2023)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Jeong, E. (., Jackson, C., Dowthwaite, L., Ahmad, T., & Trouille, L. (2023, May). Assessing the Value Orientations of Contributors to Virtual Citizen Science Projects. Presented at C&T '23: The 11th International Conference on Communities and Technologies, Lahti, Finland

Like other crowdsourcing communities, e.g., Wikipedia, citizen science projects struggle to attract and retain long-term contributors. Long-term contributors are critical to the success of many projects; research about motivational drivers has attrac... Read More about Assessing the Value Orientations of Contributors to Virtual Citizen Science Projects.