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All Outputs (7)

Effects of Uncertainty Markers on Metacognitive Group Awareness and Regulation (2022)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Radtke, A., & Schnaubert, L. (2022, June). Effects of Uncertainty Markers on Metacognitive Group Awareness and Regulation. Presented at 16th International Conference of the Learning Sciences (ICLS), Hiroshma, Japan and online

Social platforms provide a vast amount of resources for sharing, discussing, and searching for information. Thereby, learners need to monitor their understanding to metacognitively regulate their learning. Awareness of peers' metacognitions can affec... Read More about Effects of Uncertainty Markers on Metacognitive Group Awareness and Regulation.

Interplay between group awareness and internal scripts: How information about knowledge and controversies triggers the activation of problem-solving script components (2022)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Schnaubert, L., Lichte, A., & Vogel, F. (2022, June). Interplay between group awareness and internal scripts: How information about knowledge and controversies triggers the activation of problem-solving script components. Presented at 15th International Conference on Computer Supported Collaborative Learning (CSCL), Hiroshima, Japan and online

Collaboration scripts and group awareness are two prominent factors for beneficial learning processes in CSCL. However, research mostly focuses on each factor independently. To inquire their mutual interaction, we investigate how different types of g... Read More about Interplay between group awareness and internal scripts: How information about knowledge and controversies triggers the activation of problem-solving script components.

Social-distance education: Struggling with cognition, emotion or motivation during SRL? (2020)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Schnaubert, L., & Herold, B. (2020, November). Social-distance education: Struggling with cognition, emotion or motivation during SRL?. Paper presented at ICCE 2020 - 28th International Conference on Computers in Education, Online

The covid-19 pandemic dramatically changed the educational landscape as emergency remote teaching strategies had to be implemented almost worldwide changing educational practices and reducing student-teacher contact. This comes with many challenges f... Read More about Social-distance education: Struggling with cognition, emotion or motivation during SRL?.

A psychological perspective on data processing in cognitive group awareness tools (2020)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Schnaubert, L., Harbarth, L., & Bodemer, D. (2020, June). A psychological perspective on data processing in cognitive group awareness tools. Presented at 14th International Conference of the Learning Sciences: The Interdisciplinarity of the Learning Sciences, ICLS 2020, Nashville, Tennessee, USA

Cognitive Group Awareness Tools are a means to support collaboration processes by providing learners with knowledge-related information about learning partners or the group. Targeting cognitive rather than behavioral variables allows these tools to g... Read More about A psychological perspective on data processing in cognitive group awareness tools.

Group awareness information to support academic help-seeking (2019)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Schlusche, C., Schnaubert, L., & Bodemer, D. (2019, December). Group awareness information to support academic help-seeking. Presented at ICCE 2019 - 27th International Conference on Computers in Education, Kenting, Taiwan

Students are expected to deal with complex learning material, that regularly challenges their learning processes especially in the first semester. When students ask peers for explanations, they apply a functional learning strategy, known as academic... Read More about Group awareness information to support academic help-seeking.

Cognitive group awareness tools: Versatile devices to guide learners towards discrepancies (2019)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Schnaubert, L., Heimbuch, S., Erkens, M., & Bodemer, D. (2019, December). Cognitive group awareness tools: Versatile devices to guide learners towards discrepancies. Presented at ICCE 2019 - 27th International Conference on Computers in Education, Proceedings, Kenting, Taiwan

Collaborative practices cover a vast variety of contexts and educational goals. Despite these differences, most means of support draw on between- and within-learner discrepancies as driving forces of individual and collaborative learning. These discr... Read More about Cognitive group awareness tools: Versatile devices to guide learners towards discrepancies.

Design und Evaluation von interaktiven webbasierten Bruchrechenaufgaben (2011)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Eichelmann, A., Schnaubert, L., Narciss, S., Goguadze, G., & Melis, E. (2011, September). Design und Evaluation von interaktiven webbasierten Bruchrechenaufgaben. Presented at DeLFI 2011 - 9th e-Learning Fachtagung Informatik der Gesellschaft fur Informatik e.V., Dresden, Germany