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All Outputs (22)

Genome-wide assessment of population structure and association mapping for agronomic and grain nutritional traits in proso millet (Panicum miliaceum L.) (2024)
Journal Article
Vetriventhan, M., Upadhyaya, H. D., Deshpande, S., Johnson, M. S., Wallace, J. G., Victor, A., Naresh, D., Rayaprolu, L., Singh, K., & Mayes, S. (2024). Genome-wide assessment of population structure and association mapping for agronomic and grain nutritional traits in proso millet (Panicum miliaceum L.). Scientific Reports, 14(1), Article 21920.

Proso millet is an important but under-researched and underutilized crop with the potential to become a future smart crop because of its climate-resilient features and high nutrient content. Assessing diversity and marker-trait associations are essen... Read More about Genome-wide assessment of population structure and association mapping for agronomic and grain nutritional traits in proso millet (Panicum miliaceum L.).

Fault-Tolerant Dual Channels Three-Phase PMSM for Aerospace Applications (2024)
Journal Article
Khowja, M. R., Singh, K., la Rocca, A., Vakil, G., Ramnathan, R., & Gerada, C. (2024). Fault-Tolerant Dual Channels Three-Phase PMSM for Aerospace Applications. IEEE Access, 12, 126845-126857.

In safety-critical applications such as aerospace and marine, electrical machines are limited to meet several stringent requirements such as physical, electrical, magnetic and thermal isolation between two three-phase channels, in order to be conside... Read More about Fault-Tolerant Dual Channels Three-Phase PMSM for Aerospace Applications.

Mixing Enhancement Study in Axisymmetric Trapped-Vortex Combustor for Propane, Ammonia and Hydrogen (2024)
Journal Article
Uluk, H. S., Dakka, S. M., & Singh, K. (2024). Mixing Enhancement Study in Axisymmetric Trapped-Vortex Combustor for Propane, Ammonia and Hydrogen. Modelling, 5(2), 600-624.

The trapped-vortex combustor (TVC) is an alternative combustor design to conventional aeroengine combustors. The separate fuel and air injection of this combustor and its compact design make it a perfect candidate for conventional fuel usage. Moreove... Read More about Mixing Enhancement Study in Axisymmetric Trapped-Vortex Combustor for Propane, Ammonia and Hydrogen.

Experimental and Numerical Investigation of Cylindrical and Shaped Cooling Holes With Forward and Reverse Injection (2024)
Journal Article
Gaurav, R., Singh, A. K., Singh, K., & Singh, D. (2025). Experimental and Numerical Investigation of Cylindrical and Shaped Cooling Holes With Forward and Reverse Injection. Heat Transfer Engineering, 46(4-5), 421-431.

The present work proposes a suitable injection hole configuration of cylinder and laidback fan-shaped with forward and reverse direction for film cooling of a gas turbine blades application, based on experimental and numerical analysis. The experimen... Read More about Experimental and Numerical Investigation of Cylindrical and Shaped Cooling Holes With Forward and Reverse Injection.

Non-reacting Numerical Simulation of Axisymmetric Trapped Vortex Combustor (2023)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
DAKKA, S., Singh, K., Jefferson-Loveday, R., & Serhat, H. (2023, December). Non-reacting Numerical Simulation of Axisymmetric Trapped Vortex Combustor. Presented at ICAAAE 2023: 17. International Conference on Aeronautical and Aerospace Engineering, London

This paper will focus on suitability of trapped vortex combustor as a candidate for gas turbine combustor objective to minimize pressure drop across combustor and investigating aerodynamic performance. Non-reacting simulation of axisymmetric cavity t... Read More about Non-reacting Numerical Simulation of Axisymmetric Trapped Vortex Combustor.

Prediction of energy performance of residential buildings using regularized neural models (2023)
Journal Article
Siwach, K., Kumar, H., Rawal, N., Singh, K., & Rawat, A. (2024). Prediction of energy performance of residential buildings using regularized neural models. Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers - Energy, 177(3), 98-117.

Human habitats are one of the major consumers of energy. Therefore, in the current age of increasing carbon footprints, analyzing energy efficiency of a building is imminent, which has been taken up in the current work. Machine learning based Artific... Read More about Prediction of energy performance of residential buildings using regularized neural models.

Experimental and numerical study on the heat transfer of a flat plate impinged by air-water mist jet (2023)
Journal Article
Singh, D., Khangembam, C., Singh, K., & Ganatra, K. A. (2023). Experimental and numerical study on the heat transfer of a flat plate impinged by air-water mist jet. Heat and Mass Transfer, 60, 167-193.

The present work focuses on the experimental and numerical investigation of air-water mist jet impingement heat transfer from a heated flat plate. The heated flat plate is constructed from a 25μm Stainless steel-304 foil, and the temperature distribu... Read More about Experimental and numerical study on the heat transfer of a flat plate impinged by air-water mist jet.

Experimental and numerical investigation of pool boiling heat transfer from finned surfaces (2023)
Journal Article
Jaswal, R., Sathyabhama, A., Singh, K., & Yandapalli, A. P. (2023). Experimental and numerical investigation of pool boiling heat transfer from finned surfaces. Applied Thermal Engineering, 233, Article 121167.

An experimental study of the pool boiling process on three test surfaces, namely, Plain surface, Rectangular finned surface, and Trapezoidal finned surface, was carried out using distilled water as the working fluid at atmospheric pressure. A paramet... Read More about Experimental and numerical investigation of pool boiling heat transfer from finned surfaces.

Experimental and Numerical Study on the Combined Jet Impingement and Film Cooling of an Aero-Engine Afterburner Section (2023)
Journal Article
Singh, A. K., Kumar, S., & Singh, K. (2023). Experimental and Numerical Study on the Combined Jet Impingement and Film Cooling of an Aero-Engine Afterburner Section. Aerospace, 10(7), Article 589.

The recent advancement of cooling methodologies for critical components such as turbine blades, combustor liners, and afterburner liners has led to the development of a combination of impingement and film cooling. The present study proposes an effici... Read More about Experimental and Numerical Study on the Combined Jet Impingement and Film Cooling of an Aero-Engine Afterburner Section.

A pilot-scale comparison between single and double-digest RAD markers generated using GBS strategy in sesame (Sesamum indicum L.) (2023)
Journal Article
Ruperao, P., Bajaj, P., Subramani, R., Yadav, R., Reddy Lachagari, V. B., Lekkala, S. P., Rathore, A., Archak, S., Angadi, U. B., Singh, R., Singh, K., Mayes, S., & Rangan, P. (2023). A pilot-scale comparison between single and double-digest RAD markers generated using GBS strategy in sesame (Sesamum indicum L.). PLoS ONE, 18(6), Article e0286599.

To reduce the genome sequence representation, restriction site-associated DNA sequencing (RAD-seq) protocols is being widely used either with single-digest or double-digest methods. In this study, we genotyped the sesame population (48 sample size) i... Read More about A pilot-scale comparison between single and double-digest RAD markers generated using GBS strategy in sesame (Sesamum indicum L.).

Computational study of free surface film flow and subsequent disintegration of a sheet and ligaments into droplets from a rotary disk atomizer (2023)
Journal Article
Singh, K., Ambrose, S., Jefferson-Loveday, R., Nicoli, A., & Mouvanal, S. (2023). Computational study of free surface film flow and subsequent disintegration of a sheet and ligaments into droplets from a rotary disk atomizer. Engineering Applications of Computational Fluid Mechanics, 17(1), Article 2162971.

In the present study, a computational methodology based on computational fluid dynamics (CFD) is developed to investigate free surface film flow and its subsequent disintegration on a rotary disk atomizer. The present study provides an insight into e... Read More about Computational study of free surface film flow and subsequent disintegration of a sheet and ligaments into droplets from a rotary disk atomizer.

Presentation / Conference Contribution
Mouvanal, S., Singh, K., Jefferson-Loveday, R., Ambrose, S., Eastwick, C., Johnson, K., & Jacobs, A. (2022, September). COUPLED EULERIAN THIN FILM MODEL AND LAGRANGIAN DISCRETE PHASE MODEL TO PREDICT FILM THICKNESS INSIDE AN AERO-ENGINE BEARING CHAMBER. Presented at GPPS Chania22, Chania, Greece

In aero-engine bearing chambers, two-phase shearing flows are difficult to predict as Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) RANS models tend to overestimate interfacial turbulence levels, leading to inaccuracies in the modelling of the flow. Turbulence... Read More about COUPLED EULERIAN THIN FILM MODEL AND LAGRANGIAN DISCRETE PHASE MODEL TO PREDICT FILM THICKNESS INSIDE AN AERO-ENGINE BEARING CHAMBER.

Numerical simulation of multi-scale oil films on a rotating cup using VOF and coupled Eulerian thin-film-dpm approaches (2022)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Nicoli, A., Singh, K., Jefferson-Loveday, R., Ambrose, S., & Mouvanal, S. (2022, June). Numerical simulation of multi-scale oil films on a rotating cup using VOF and coupled Eulerian thin-film-dpm approaches. Presented at ASME Turbo Expo, Rotterdam, Netherlands

In this study, the newly developed Nottingham Gas Turbine and Transmission Research Centre (G2TRC) Bearing Chamber Test Module is presented and investigated computationally. The module houses a rotating cup and shaft configuration in order to simulat... Read More about Numerical simulation of multi-scale oil films on a rotating cup using VOF and coupled Eulerian thin-film-dpm approaches.

Numerical Simulation of Multi-Scale Oil Films on a Rotating Cup Using VOF and Coupled Eulerian Thin-Film-DPM Approaches (2022)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Nicoli, A., Singh, K., Jefferson-Loveday, R., Ambrose, S., & Mouvanal, S. (2022, June). Numerical Simulation of Multi-Scale Oil Films on a Rotating Cup Using VOF and Coupled Eulerian Thin-Film-DPM Approaches. Presented at ASME Turbo Expo 2022: Turbomachinery Technical Conference and Exposition, Rotterdam, Netherlands

In this study, the newly developed Nottingham Gas Turbine and Transmission Research Centre (G2TRC) Bearing Chamber Test Module is presented and investigated computationally. The module houses a rotating cup and shaft configuration in order to simulat... Read More about Numerical Simulation of Multi-Scale Oil Films on a Rotating Cup Using VOF and Coupled Eulerian Thin-Film-DPM Approaches.

Predictions of falling wavy films based on the depth averaged thin film model and its application to aeroengine bearing chamber (2022)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Singh, K., Nicoli, A., Jefferson-Loveday, R., Ambrose, S., Paleo Cageao, P., Johnson, K., Mouvanal, S., Cao, J., & Jacobs, A. (2022, June). Predictions of falling wavy films based on the depth averaged thin film model and its application to aeroengine bearing chamber. Presented at ASME Turbo Expo 2022: Turbomachinery Technical Conference and Exposition, Rotterdam, Netherlands

In the present study, the evolution of a falling wavy film with upstream forced excitation is investigated using the depth averaged thin film model, known as Eulerian Thin Film Model (ETFM). Because of the depth averaging of the governing equations,... Read More about Predictions of falling wavy films based on the depth averaged thin film model and its application to aeroengine bearing chamber.

Combined film and impingement cooling of flat plate with reverse cooling hole (2022)
Journal Article
Singh, K., & raj, U. (2023). Combined film and impingement cooling of flat plate with reverse cooling hole. Applied Thermal Engineering, 208, Article 118224.

A numerical model is developed in the present work for analysing cooling performance of combined impingement-film cooling under realistic engine operating conditions. Effect of jet impingement along with the film cooling is analysed on fluid flow, he... Read More about Combined film and impingement cooling of flat plate with reverse cooling hole.

Modeling of Partially Wetting Liquid Film Using an Enhanced Thin Film Model for Aero-Engine Bearing Chamber Applications (2021)
Journal Article
Singh, K., Sharabi, M., Jefferson-Loveday, R., Ambrose, S., Eastwick, C., Cao, J., & Jacobs, A. (2021). Modeling of Partially Wetting Liquid Film Using an Enhanced Thin Film Model for Aero-Engine Bearing Chamber Applications. Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power, 143(4), Article 041001.

In the case of aero-engine, thin lubricating film servers dual purpose of lubrication and cooling. Prediction of dry patches or lubricant starved region in bearing or bearing chambers are required for safe operation of these components. In this work,... Read More about Modeling of Partially Wetting Liquid Film Using an Enhanced Thin Film Model for Aero-Engine Bearing Chamber Applications.

Effects of soot deposition and slot erosion on the mist film-cooling of a flat plate in the presence of upstream ramp (2020)
Journal Article
Handique, J., Singh, K., & Singh, D. (2021). Effects of soot deposition and slot erosion on the mist film-cooling of a flat plate in the presence of upstream ramp. Thermal Science and Engineering Progress, 22, Article 100784.

In the present work, the numerical analysis is conducted on the film cooling of a flat plate with the air and mist injection from a slot. The effect of soot deposition and erosion of the cooling slot has been investigated in the presence of an upstre... Read More about Effects of soot deposition and slot erosion on the mist film-cooling of a flat plate in the presence of upstream ramp.

Large Eddy Simulations for Film Cooling Assessment of Cylindrical and Laidback Fan-Shaped Holes With Reverse Injection (2020)
Journal Article
Singh, A. K., Singh, K., Singh, D., & Sahoo, N. (2021). Large Eddy Simulations for Film Cooling Assessment of Cylindrical and Laidback Fan-Shaped Holes With Reverse Injection. Journal of Thermal Science and Engineering Applications, 13(3), Article 031027.

The large eddy simulations (LES) are performed to access the film cooling performance of cylindrical and reverse shaped hole for forward and reverse injection configurations. In the case of reverse/backward injection, the secondary flow is injected i... Read More about Large Eddy Simulations for Film Cooling Assessment of Cylindrical and Laidback Fan-Shaped Holes With Reverse Injection.

Experimental and numerical study of air-water mist jet impingement cooling on a cylinder (2020)
Journal Article
Khangembam, C., Singh, D., Handique, J., & Singh, K. (2020). Experimental and numerical study of air-water mist jet impingement cooling on a cylinder. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 150, Article 119368.

The paper presents the study of experimental as well as the numerical study of air-water mist jet impingement cooling over a heated cylinder in the non-boiling region. The studies are conducted for various mist loading fraction, f = 0.0025, 0.0050, 0... Read More about Experimental and numerical study of air-water mist jet impingement cooling on a cylinder.