Regulating Collective Nonstate Entities in International Law: Rights and Obligations
Van Der Ploeg, K. P. Regulating Collective Nonstate Entities in International Law: Rights and Obligations. Oxford University Press
All Outputs (13)
Fairness as Balance: Investor Obligations and Investment Treaty Reform (2024)
Journal Article
Van Der Ploeg, K. P. (2024). Fairness as Balance: Investor Obligations and Investment Treaty Reform. International Investment Law Journal, 4(2), 184-197. normative asymmetry between the rights and obligations of investors and host states under investment treaties has been a key reason for the treaties’ common characterization as “unbalanced”. While initially a description of a justified treaty des... Read More about Fairness as Balance: Investor Obligations and Investment Treaty Reform.
Investor Obligations: Transformative and Regressive Impacts of the Business and Human Rights Framework (2024)
Journal Article
Van der Ploeg, K. P. (2024). Investor Obligations: Transformative and Regressive Impacts of the Business and Human Rights Framework. Business and Human Rights Journal, 9(2), 221-249. business and human rights (BHR) framework has regularly been considered the superior legal regime of corporate accountability for business-related human rights abuses, which must be both protected from and incorporated into investment treaties. H... Read More about Investor Obligations: Transformative and Regressive Impacts of the Business and Human Rights Framework.
Unified Patent Court and International Law (2023)
Book Chapter
Van der Ploeg, K. P. (2023). Unified Patent Court and International Law. In D. Matthews, & P. Torremans (Eds.), European Patent Law: The Unified Patent Court and the European Patent Convention. De Gruyter
International Law and Time: Narratives and Techniques (2022)
Van der Ploeg, K. P., Pasquet, L., & Castellanos-Janckiewicz, L. (2022). K. Polackova Van der Ploeg, L. Pasquet, & L. Castellanos-Jankiewicz (Eds.). International Law and Time: Narratives and Techniques. Springer.
International Law Through Time: On Change and Facticity of International Law (2022)
Book Chapter
Van der Ploeg, K. P., & Pasquet, L. (2022). International Law Through Time: On Change and Facticity of International Law. In K. Polackova Van der Ploeg, L. Pasquet, & L. Castellanos-Jankiewicz (Eds.), International Law and Time: Narratives and Techniques (313-333). Springer. law has proved to be a highly dynamic legal order over time. However, dealing with change in international law is both analytically demanding and possibly normatively unsettling. The term ‘change’ regularly refers to distinct dimensions... Read More about International Law Through Time: On Change and Facticity of International Law.
The Multifaceted Notion of Time in International Law (2022)
Book Chapter
Van der Ploeg, K. P., & Pasquet, L. (2022). The Multifaceted Notion of Time in International Law. In International Law and Time: Narratives and Techniques (1-24). Springer. time forms a part of the very bedrock of international law as a legal order and fundamentally determines international law as a discipline, the relationship between time and international law has received only limited attention. To most inte... Read More about The Multifaceted Notion of Time in International Law.
The Functional Threshold: Direct International Legal Regulation of Collective Nonstate Entities and the Law of International Peace and Security (2020)
Journal Article
Van der Ploeg, K. P. (2021). The Functional Threshold: Direct International Legal Regulation of Collective Nonstate Entities and the Law of International Peace and Security. New York University Journal of International Law and Politics, 53(1), 71-133This article explores transformations in international law with respect to collective nonstate entities, challenging the mainstream view that international law stipulates rights and obligations directly binding on such entities only on an exceptional... Read More about The Functional Threshold: Direct International Legal Regulation of Collective Nonstate Entities and the Law of International Peace and Security.
The Functional Threshold: Direct International Legal Regulation of Collective Nonstate Entities and the Law of International Peace and Security (2020)
Preprint / Working Paper
Van der Ploeg, K. P. The Functional Threshold: Direct International Legal Regulation of Collective Nonstate Entities and the Law of International Peace and SecurityThis article explores transformations in international law with respect to collective nonstate entities, challenging the mainstream view that international law stipulates rights and obligations directly binding on such entities only on an exceptional... Read More about The Functional Threshold: Direct International Legal Regulation of Collective Nonstate Entities and the Law of International Peace and Security.
International Law Over Time: On Change and Facticity of International Law (2018)
Book Chapter
Polackova Van Der Ploeg, K. International Law Over Time: On Change and Facticity of International Law. In International Law and Time: Narratives and Techniques. Springer
Treaty Obligations of Collective Non-State Entities: The Case of the Deep Seabed Regime (2018)
Book Chapter
Polackova Van Der Ploeg, K. (2018). Treaty Obligations of Collective Non-State Entities: The Case of the Deep Seabed Regime. In J. Summers, & A. Gough (Eds.), Non-State Actors and International Obligations. Creation, Evolution and Enforcement (15–38). Brill Academic Publishers.
Protection of regulatory autonomy and investor obligations: latest trends in investment treaty design (2018)
Journal Article
POLACKOVA VAN DER PLOEG, K. (2018). Protection of regulatory autonomy and investor obligations: latest trends in investment treaty design. International Lawyer, 51(1), 109-119
State Immunity in Jurisprudence of Czech Courts (2014)
Journal Article
Van der Ploeg, K. P. (2014). State Immunity in Jurisprudence of Czech Courts. Czech Yearbook of International Law, 5, 421-450Th is paper discusses the understanding and application of the doctrine of State immunity in the courts of the Czech Republic. In 2008, the Czech Supreme Court reversed its previous conceptualization of State immunity as absolute and introduced a res... Read More about State Immunity in Jurisprudence of Czech Courts.