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Changes in medication safety indicators in England throughout the covid-19 pandemic using OpenSAFELY: population based, retrospective cohort study of 57 million patients using federated analytics (2023)
Journal Article
Fisher, L., Hopcroft, L. E., Rodgers, S., Barrett, J., Oliver, K., Avery, A. J., Evans, D., Curtis, H., Croker, R., Macdonald, O., Morley, J., Mehrkar, A., Bacon, S., Davy, S., Dillingham, I., Evans, D., Hickman, G., Inglesby, P., Morton, C. E., Smith, B., …MacKenna, B. (2023). Changes in medication safety indicators in England throughout the covid-19 pandemic using OpenSAFELY: population based, retrospective cohort study of 57 million patients using federated analytics. BMJ Medicine, 2(1), Article e000392.

Objective: To implement complex, PINCER (pharmacist led information technology intervention) prescribing indicators, on a national scale with general practice data to describe the impact of the covid-19 pandemic on safe prescribing.

Design: Popula... Read More about Changes in medication safety indicators in England throughout the covid-19 pandemic using OpenSAFELY: population based, retrospective cohort study of 57 million patients using federated analytics.

Using chart online comparative analysis service to support the national rollout of PINCER (2021)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Rodgers, S., Barrett, J., Oliver, K., Fensome, L., Johnson, J., Panayiotidis, T., Avery, A. J., & Smithson, O. Using chart online comparative analysis service to support the national rollout of PINCER. Presented at PRIMM 32nd Annual Scientific Meeting, 11 June 2021: Big Data: Is it the Future of Medicines Optimisation?, Virtual

Tracking tracer motion in a 4-D electrical resistivity tomography experiment (2016)
Journal Article
Ward, W. O., Wilkinson, P. B., Chambers, J. E., Nilsson, H., Kuras, O., & Bai, L. (2016). Tracking tracer motion in a 4-D electrical resistivity tomography experiment. Water Resources Research, 52(5), 4078-4094.

A new framework for automatically tracking subsurface tracers in electrical resistivity tomography (ERT) monitoring images is presented. Using computer vision and Bayesian inference techniques, in the form of a Kalman filter, the trajectory of a subs... Read More about Tracking tracer motion in a 4-D electrical resistivity tomography experiment.

Spatial monitoring of groundwater drawdown and rebound associated with quarry dewatering using automated time-lapse electrical resistivity tomography and distribution guided clustering (2015)
Journal Article
Chambers, J. E., Meldrum, P. I., Wilkinson, P. B., Ward, W. O., Jackson, C. R., Matthew, B., Joel, P., Kuras, O., Bai, L., Uhlemann, S., & Gunn, D. (2015). Spatial monitoring of groundwater drawdown and rebound associated with quarry dewatering using automated time-lapse electrical resistivity tomography and distribution guided clustering. Engineering Geology, 193,

Dewatering systems used for mining and quarrying operations often result in highly artificial and complex groundwater conditions, which can be difficult to characterise and monitor using borehole point sampling approaches. Here automated time-lapse e... Read More about Spatial monitoring of groundwater drawdown and rebound associated with quarry dewatering using automated time-lapse electrical resistivity tomography and distribution guided clustering.

Caspase-8-mediated PAR-4 cleavage is required for TNFα-induced apoptosis (2014)
Journal Article
Treude, F., Kappes, F., Fahrenkamp, D., Müller-Newen, G., Dajas-Bailador, F., Krämer, O. H., Lüscher, B., & Hartkamp, J. (2014). Caspase-8-mediated PAR-4 cleavage is required for TNFα-induced apoptosis. Oncotarget, 5(10),

The tumor suppressor protein prostate apoptosis response-4 (PAR-4) is silenced in a subset of human cancers and its down-regulation serves as a mechanism for cancer cell survival following chemotherapy. PAR-4 re-expression selectively causes apoptosi... Read More about Caspase-8-mediated PAR-4 cleavage is required for TNFα-induced apoptosis.