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Animal research beyond the laboratory: Report from a workshop on places other than licensed establishments (POLEs) in the UK (2020)
Journal Article
Palmer, A., Greenhough, B., Hobson‐west, P., Message, R., Aegerter, J. N., Belshaw, Z., Dennison, N., Dickey, R., Lane, J., Lorimer, J., Millar, K., Newman, C., Pullen, K., Reynolds, S. J., Wells, D. J., Witt, M. J., & Wolfensohn, S. (2020). Animal research beyond the laboratory: Report from a workshop on places other than licensed establishments (POLEs) in the UK. Animals, 10(10), Article 1868.

© 2020 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland. Research involving animals that occurs outside the laboratory raises an array of unique challenges. With regard to UK legislation, however, it receives only limited attention in terms of offic... Read More about Animal research beyond the laboratory: Report from a workshop on places other than licensed establishments (POLEs) in the UK.

Is it just about grazing? UK citizens have diverse preferences for how dairy cows should be managed (2020)
Journal Article
Jackson, A., Green, M., Millar, K., & Kaler, J. (2020). Is it just about grazing? UK citizens have diverse preferences for how dairy cows should be managed. Journal of Dairy Science, 103(4), 3250-3263.

© 2020 American Dairy Science Association Conflicting views between the dairy industry and the public about how dairy cows should be managed, together with an increase in the availability of alternatives to dairy foods, challenge future markets for m... Read More about Is it just about grazing? UK citizens have diverse preferences for how dairy cows should be managed.