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All Outputs (14)

Punctuation In Older Scots (2024)
Book Chapter
Martin, J. (in press). Punctuation In Older Scots. In E. Bonapfel, M. Faulkner, J. Lennard, & J. Gutierre (Eds.), A History of Punctuation in English Literature. Cambridge University Press

Investigating the reasons behind a later or missed diagnosis of attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder in young people: A population cohort study (2024)
Journal Article
Barclay, I., Sayal, K., Ford, T., John, A., Taylor, M. J., Thapar, A., Langley, K., & Martin, J. (in press). Investigating the reasons behind a later or missed diagnosis of attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder in young people: A population cohort study. JCPP Advances,

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is a common neurodevelopmental condition, more often diagnosed in males. In many individuals, particularly females, ADHD is diagnosed later or missed, the reasons for this are not fully unde... Read More about Investigating the reasons behind a later or missed diagnosis of attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder in young people: A population cohort study.

Alexander Hume’s Hymnes, or Sacred Songs (2024)
Book Chapter
Martin, J. (2024). Alexander Hume’s Hymnes, or Sacred Songs. In S. J. Reid (Ed.), Rethinking the Renaissance and Reformation in Scotland: Essays in Honour of Roger A. Mason. Boydell Press

Robert Henryson (2023)
Book Chapter
Martin, J. (2023). Robert Henryson. In J. Boffey, & A. Edwards (Eds.), The Oxford History of Poetry in English: Volume 3. Medieval Poetry: 1400-1500. Oxford University Press

Literary Anthologies , c. 1500-1603 (2022)
Book Chapter
Martin, J. Literary Anthologies , c. 1500-1603. In D. Green, A. Mann, J. Marshall, & E. Wingfield (Eds.), The Edinburgh history of the book in Scotland, Volume 1: Medieval to 1707. Edinburgh University Press

Female Book Ownership and Networks (2022)
Book Chapter
Martin, J., & Wingfield, E. Female Book Ownership and Networks. In D. Green, A. Mann, J. Marshall, & E. Wingfield (Eds.), The Edinburgh history of the book in Scotland, Volume 1: Medieval to 1707. Edinburgh University Press

The Findern Manuscript : A New Edition of the Unique Poems (2020)
Martin, J. (2020). The Findern Manuscript : A New Edition of the Unique Poems. Liverpool University Press

The Findern Manuscript (Cambridge University Library, Ff.1.6): A New Edition of the Unique Poems is the first critical edition of the thirty-four unique and unattributed Middle English poems contained in Cambridge, University Library MS Ff.1.6. This... Read More about The Findern Manuscript : A New Edition of the Unique Poems.

Elegy and Commemorative Writing (2018)
Book Chapter
Martin, J., Mathis, K., & Royan, N. (2018). Elegy and Commemorative Writing. In N. Royan (Ed.), The International Companion to Scottish Literature, 1400-1650

The noble identity of Gavin Douglas (2017)
Book Chapter
Royan, N. (2017). The noble identity of Gavin Douglas. In J. Martin, & E. Wingfield (Eds.), Premodern Scotland: literature and governance 1420-1587. Oxford University Press

This essay takes up Sally Mapstone’s contention that Scottish advice to princes was directed as much to magnates and their supporters as it ever was to the king, and applies it to Gavin Douglas’s Eneados. It considers the manner in which Douglas’s tr... Read More about The noble identity of Gavin Douglas.

William Lauder: The Speculum Principis in the Sixteenth Century (2017)
Book Chapter
Martin, J. (2017). William Lauder: The Speculum Principis in the Sixteenth Century. In Premodern Scotland: Literature and Governance 1420-1587 (171-184). Oxford University Press.

This essay demonstrates the importance of the little-known poet William Lauder to the literary culture of mid-sixteenth-century Scotland and compares his work to that of his contemporaries, David Lyndsay and Richard Maitland. It argues that Lauder’s... Read More about William Lauder: The Speculum Principis in the Sixteenth Century.

Pre-Modern Scotland. Literature and Governance 1420-1587 (2017)
Martin, J., & Wingfield, E. (Eds.). (2017). Pre-Modern Scotland. Literature and Governance 1420-1587. Oxford University Press.

This book brings together original essays by a group of international scholars to offer ground-breaking research into the ‘Advice to Princes’ tradition and related themes of good self- and public governance in Older Scots literature, and in Latin lit... Read More about Pre-Modern Scotland. Literature and Governance 1420-1587.

The Maitland quarto: a new edition of Cambridge, Magdalene College, Pepys library MS 1408 (2015)
(2015). J. M. Martin (Ed.), The Maitland quarto: a new edition of Cambridge, Magdalene College, Pepys library MS 1408. Boydell & Brewer

The Maitland Quarto is a paper manuscript held in the collections of the Pepys Library, Magdalene College, Cambridge, where it is MS 1408. It contains 95 poems in 138 leaves, copied in a mixture of secretary and italic scripts, probably all the work... Read More about The Maitland quarto: a new edition of Cambridge, Magdalene College, Pepys library MS 1408.

Direct targeting of risk factors significantly increases the detection of liver cirrhosis in primary care: a cross-sectional diagnostic study utilising transient elastography (2015)
Journal Article
Harman, D. J., Ryder, S. D., James, M. W., Jelpke, M., Ottey, D. S., Wilkes, E. A., Card, T. R., Aithal, G. P., & Guha, I. N. (2015). Direct targeting of risk factors significantly increases the detection of liver cirrhosis in primary care: a cross-sectional diagnostic study utilising transient elastography. BMJ Open, 5(4), Article e007516.

OBJECTIVES: To assess the feasibility of a novel diagnostic algorithm targeting patients with risk factors for chronic liver disease in a community setting.

DESIGN: Prospective cross-sectional study.

SETTING: Two primary care practices (adult... Read More about Direct targeting of risk factors significantly increases the detection of liver cirrhosis in primary care: a cross-sectional diagnostic study utilising transient elastography.