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Impact of COVID-19 on home care provision: A qualitative study (2024)
Journal Article
Darby, J., Allen, F., Bennett, C., Logan, P., & Kasonde, C. (2024). Impact of COVID-19 on home care provision: A qualitative study. Journal of Social Work, 24(5), 645-663.

Summary The COVID-19 pandemic and subsequent public health restrictions caused an unprecedented impact on long-term care services in the United Kingdom (UK). A qualitative study was conducted in the East Midlands, UK, to explore how home care provisi... Read More about Impact of COVID-19 on home care provision: A qualitative study.

Developing the Principles of Falls Management in Care Homes: An expert Consensus Process (2024)
Journal Article
Robinson, K. R., Hallam, F., Horne, J. C., Allen, F., Darby, J., Kilby, A., Timmons, S., Gordon, A., & Logan, P. (2024). Developing the Principles of Falls Management in Care Homes: An expert Consensus Process. Journal of Long-Term Care, 2024, 162–170.

Context: Managing falls in care homes requires an individualised approach for each resident with involvement of staff from care homes and the wider health and social care system. A large randomised controlled trial evaluating an individualised falls... Read More about Developing the Principles of Falls Management in Care Homes: An expert Consensus Process.

A realist evaluation of a multifactorial falls prevention programme in care homes (2022)
Journal Article
Leighton, P. A., Darby, J., Allen, F., Cook, M., Evley, R., Fox, C., Godfrey, M. M., Gordon, A., Gladman, J., Horne, J., Robertson, M. K., & Logan, P. (2022). A realist evaluation of a multifactorial falls prevention programme in care homes. Age and Ageing, 51(12), Article afac263.

BACKGROUND: falls in care homes are common, costly and hard to prevent.Multifactorial falls programmes demonstrate clinical and cost-effectiveness, but the heterogeneity of the care home sector is a barrier to their implementation. A fuller appreciat... Read More about A realist evaluation of a multifactorial falls prevention programme in care homes.

A multidomain decision support tool to prevent falls in older people: the FinCH cluster RCT (2022)
Journal Article
Logan, P. A., Horne, J. C., Allen, F., Armstrong, S. J., Clark, A. B., Conroy, S., Darby, J., Fox, C., Gladman, J. R., Godfrey, M., Gordon, A. L., Irvine, L., Leighton, P., McCartney, K., Mountain, G., Robertson, K., Robinson, K., Sach, T. H., Stirling, S., Wilson, E. C., & Sims, E. J. (2022). A multidomain decision support tool to prevent falls in older people: the FinCH cluster RCT. Health Technology Assessment, 26(9), 1-136.

Falls in care home residents are common, unpleasant, costly and difficult to prevent.

The objectives were to evaluate the clinical effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of the Guide to Action for falls prevention in Care Hom... Read More about A multidomain decision support tool to prevent falls in older people: the FinCH cluster RCT.

Multifactorial falls prevention programme compared with usual care in UK care homes for older people: Multicentre cluster randomised controlled trial with economic evaluation (2021)
Journal Article
Logan, P. A., Horne, J. C., Gladman, J. R., Gordon, A. L., Robertson, K., Sach, T., Clark, A., Robinson, K., Armstrong, S., Stirling, S., Leighton, P., Darby, J., Allen, F., Irvine, L., Wilson, E. C. F., Fox, C., Conroy, S., Mountain, G., McCartney, K., Godfrey, M., & Sims, E. (2021). Multifactorial falls prevention programme compared with usual care in UK care homes for older people: Multicentre cluster randomised controlled trial with economic evaluation. BMJ, 375, Article e066991.

Objectives To determine the clinical and cost effectiveness of a multifactorial fall prevention programme compared with usual care in long term care homes. Design Multicentre, parallel, cluster randomised controlled trial. Setting Long term care home... Read More about Multifactorial falls prevention programme compared with usual care in UK care homes for older people: Multicentre cluster randomised controlled trial with economic evaluation.

Learning from a successful process evaluation in care homes (2021)
Journal Article
Allen, F., Darby, J., Cook, M., Evley, R., Godfrey, M., Horne, J., Leighton, P., Logan, P., & Robinson, K. (2021). Learning from a successful process evaluation in care homes. Age and Ageing, 50(5), 1850-1853.

process evaluations (PE) are increasingly used in parallel with randomised controlled trials (RCT) to inform the implementation of complex health interventions. This paper explores the learning accrued from conducting a PE within the Fa... Read More about Learning from a successful process evaluation in care homes.

Reflections on qualitative data analysis training for PPI partners and its implementation into practice (2019)
Journal Article
Cowley, A., Kerr, M., Darby, J., & Logan, P. (2019). Reflections on qualitative data analysis training for PPI partners and its implementation into practice. Research Involvement and Engagement, 5(1), Article 22.

Service users should be involved in every part of the research process, including analysis of qualitative research data such as interviews and focus groups. To enhance their participation, confidence and contributions, training and support for both t... Read More about Reflections on qualitative data analysis training for PPI partners and its implementation into practice.

Perspectives of healthcare professionals in England on falls interventions for people with dementia: a qualitative interview study (2019)
Journal Article
Burgon, C., Darby, J., Pollock, K., van der Wardt, V., Peach, T., Beck, L., Logan, P., & Harwood, R. H. (2019). Perspectives of healthcare professionals in England on falls interventions for people with dementia: a qualitative interview study. BMJ Open, 9(2),

© 2019 Author(s) (or their employer(s)). Re-use permitted under CC BY-NC. Objective To explore the experiences of healthcare professionals working in falls prevention and memory assessment services in providing assessments and interventions for falls... Read More about Perspectives of healthcare professionals in England on falls interventions for people with dementia: a qualitative interview study.

Evaluation of the Guide to Action Care Home fall prevention programme in care homes for older people: protocol for a multi-centre, single blinded, cluster randomised controlled trial (FinCH) (2019)
Preprint / Working Paper
Logan, P., McCartney, K., Armstrong, S., Clarke, A., Conroy, S., Darby, J., Gladman, J., Godfrey, M., Gordon, A., Irvine, L., Leighton, P., Mountain, G., Robertson, K., Robinson, K., Sach, T., Sims, E., & Horne, . J. Evaluation of the Guide to Action Care Home fall prevention programme in care homes for older people: protocol for a multi-centre, single blinded, cluster randomised controlled trial (FinCH)


Falls in older care home residents are at least five times more frequent than in community dwelling adults and have higher direct costs. Care home research is limited but suggests that fall-related injuries might be prevented by fall... Read More about Evaluation of the Guide to Action Care Home fall prevention programme in care homes for older people: protocol for a multi-centre, single blinded, cluster randomised controlled trial (FinCH).

Benchmarking the prevalence of care problems in UK care homes using the LPZ-i: a feasibility study (2017)
Journal Article
Darby, J., Horne, J., Lewin, J., Crocker, C., Coates, E., McEwan, K., Schols, J., Halfens, R., Lohrmann, C., Eglseer, D., Gladman, J. R., & Gordon, A. L. (2017). Benchmarking the prevalence of care problems in UK care homes using the LPZ-i: a feasibility study. East Midlands Research into Ageing Network (EMRAN) Discussion Paper Series, 13,

Background: UK care homes have no mechanism for counting, collating or analyzing prevalence of care problems to benchmark quality of care. This study investigated the feasibility of the International Prevalence Measurement of Quality of... Read More about Benchmarking the prevalence of care problems in UK care homes using the LPZ-i: a feasibility study.

Comprehensive geriatric assessment on an acute medical unit: a qualitative study of older people’s and informal carer’s perspectives of the care and treatment received (2016)
Journal Article
Darby, J., Williamson, T., Logan, P., & Gladman, J. R. (2016). Comprehensive geriatric assessment on an acute medical unit: a qualitative study of older people’s and informal carer’s perspectives of the care and treatment received. Clinical Rehabilitation, 31(1),

Objective: This qualitative study was imbedded in a randomised controlled trial evaluating the addition of geriatricians to usual care to enable the comprehensive geriatric assessment process with older patients on acute medical units. The qualitativ... Read More about Comprehensive geriatric assessment on an acute medical unit: a qualitative study of older people’s and informal carer’s perspectives of the care and treatment received.

The Falls In Care Home study: a feasibility randomized controlled trial of the use of a risk assessment and decision support tool to prevent falls in care homes (2015)
Journal Article
Walker, G. M., Armstrong, S., Gordon, A. L., Gladman, J. R., Robertson, K., Ward, M., Conroy, S., Arnold, G., Darby, J., Frowd, N., Williams, W., Knowles, S., & Logan, P. (2015). The Falls In Care Home study: a feasibility randomized controlled trial of the use of a risk assessment and decision support tool to prevent falls in care homes. Clinical Rehabilitation, 30(10),

To explore the feasibility of implementing and evaluating the Guide to Action Care Home fall prevention intervention.

Two-centre, cluster feasibility randomized controlled trial and process evaluation.

Purposive s... Read More about The Falls In Care Home study: a feasibility randomized controlled trial of the use of a risk assessment and decision support tool to prevent falls in care homes.

Medical Crises in Older People: cohort study of older people attending acute medical units, developmental work and randomised controlled trial of a specialist geriatric medical intervention for high-risk older people; cohort study of older people with mental health problems admitted to hospital, developmental work and randomised controlled trial of a specialist medical and mental health unit for general hospital patients with delirium and dementia; and cohort study of residents of care homes and interview study of health-care provision to residents of care homes (2015)
Journal Article
Gladman, J., Harwood, R., Conroy, S., Logan, P., Elliott, R., Jones, R., Lewis, S., Dyas, J., Schneider, J., Porock, D., Pollock, K., Goldberg, S., Edmans, J., Gordon, A., Bradshaw, L., Franklin, M., Whittamore, K., Robbins, I., Dunphy, A., Spencer, K., …Frowd, N. (2015). Medical Crises in Older People: cohort study of older people attending acute medical units, developmental work and randomised controlled trial of a specialist geriatric medical intervention for high-risk older people; cohort study of older people with mental health problems admitted to hospital, developmental work and randomised controlled trial of a specialist medical and mental health unit for general hospital patients with delirium and dementia; and cohort study of residents of care homes and interview study of health-care provision to residents of care homes. Programme Grants for Applied Research, 3(4), 1-410.

This programme of research addressed shortcomings in the care of three groups of older patients: patients discharged from acute medical units (AMUs), patients with dementia and delirium admitted to general hospitals, and care home residen... Read More about Medical Crises in Older People: cohort study of older people attending acute medical units, developmental work and randomised controlled trial of a specialist geriatric medical intervention for high-risk older people; cohort study of older people with mental health problems admitted to hospital, developmental work and randomised controlled trial of a specialist medical and mental health unit for general hospital patients with delirium and dementia; and cohort study of residents of care homes and interview study of health-care provision to residents of care homes.

Are accelerometers a useful way to measure activity in care home residents? (2015)
Journal Article
Walker, G. M., Logan, P., Gordon, A. L., Conroy, S., Armstrong, S., Robertson, K., Ward, M., Frowd, N., Darby, J., Arnold, G., & Gladman, J. R. F. (2015). Are accelerometers a useful way to measure activity in care home residents?. Age and Ageing, 44(suppl 1), i12-i12.

Introduction: Accurate measurement of activity in care home residents is important for monitoring and evaluating interventions for activity promotion. Accelerometers provide a potential method. However, their usefulness in this population has not bee... Read More about Are accelerometers a useful way to measure activity in care home residents?.

Rehabilitation aimed at improving outdoor mobility for people after stroke: a multi-centre randomised controlled study (the Getting out of the House Study) (2014)
Journal Article
Logan, P. A., Armstrong, S., Avery, T., Barer, D., Barton, G., Darby, J., Gladman, J., Horne, J., Leach, S., Lincoln, N. B., Mehta, S., Newell, O., O’Neil, K., Sach, T. H., Walker, M. F., Williams, H. C., Woodhouse, L. J., & Leighton, M. P. (2014). Rehabilitation aimed at improving outdoor mobility for people after stroke: a multi-centre randomised controlled study (the Getting out of the House Study). Health Technology Assessment, 18(29), 1-73.

Background: One-third of stroke patients are dependent on others to get outside their homes. This can cause people to become housebound, leading to increased immobility, poor health, isolation and misery. There is some evidence that outdoor mobility... Read More about Rehabilitation aimed at improving outdoor mobility for people after stroke: a multi-centre randomised controlled study (the Getting out of the House Study).