Study protocol for a multicentre longitudinal mixed methods study to explore the Outcomes of ChildrEn and fAmilies in the first year after paediatric Intensive Care: the OCEANIC study
Journal Article
Manning, J. C., Latour, J. M., Curley, M. A. Q., Draper, E. S., Jilani, T., Quinlan, P. R., Watson, R. S., Rennick, J. E., Colville, G., Pinto, N., Latif, A., Popejoy, E., & Coad, J. (2020). Study protocol for a multicentre longitudinal mixed methods study to explore the Outcomes of ChildrEn and fAmilies in the first year after paediatric Intensive Care: the OCEANIC study. BMJ Open, 10(5), Article e038974.
Introduction Annually in the UK, 20 000 children become very ill or injured and need specialist care within a paediatric intensive care unit (PICU). Most children survive. However, some children and their families may experience problems after they h... Read More about Study protocol for a multicentre longitudinal mixed methods study to explore the Outcomes of ChildrEn and fAmilies in the first year after paediatric Intensive Care: the OCEANIC study.