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All Outputs (17)

Automatically Labeling Cyber Threat Intelligence reports using Natural Language Processing (2023)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Abdi, H., Bagley, S. R., Furnell, S., & Twycross, J. (2023, August). Automatically Labeling Cyber Threat Intelligence reports using Natural Language Processing. Presented at DocEng 2023 - Proceedings of the 2023 ACM Symposium on Document Engineering, Limerick, Ireland

Attribution provides valuable intelligence in the face of Advanced Persistent Threat (APT) attacks. By accurately identifying the culprits and actors behind the attacks, we can gain more insights into their motivations, capabilities, and potential fu... Read More about Automatically Labeling Cyber Threat Intelligence reports using Natural Language Processing.

Microarray Feature Selection and Dynamic Selection of Classifiers for Early Detection of Insect Bite Hypersensitivity in Horses (2019)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Maciel Guerra, A., Figueredo, G. P., Von Zuben, F., Marti, E., Twycross, J., & Alcocer, M. J. (2019, June). Microarray Feature Selection and Dynamic Selection of Classifiers for Early Detection of Insect Bite Hypersensitivity in Horses. Presented at 2019 IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation (CEC), Wellington, New Zealand

Microarrays can be employed to better characterise allergies, as interactions between antibodies and allergens in mammals can be monitored. Once the joint dynamics of these elements in both healthy and diseased animals are understood, a model to pred... Read More about Microarray Feature Selection and Dynamic Selection of Classifiers for Early Detection of Insect Bite Hypersensitivity in Horses.

From clusters to queries: exploiting uncertainty in the modularity landscape of complex networks (2018)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Gilbert, J. P., & Twycross, J. From clusters to queries: exploiting uncertainty in the modularity landscape of complex networks. Presented at 14th International Workshop on Mining and Learning with Graphs

Uncovering latent community structure in complex networks is a field that has received an enormous amount of attention. Unfortunately, whilst potentially very powerful, unsupervised methods for uncovering labels based on topology alone has been shown... Read More about From clusters to queries: exploiting uncertainty in the modularity landscape of complex networks.

Type-1 and interval type-2 ANFIS: a comparison (2017)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Chen, C., John, R., Twycross, J., & Garibaldi, J. M. Type-1 and interval type-2 ANFIS: a comparison. Presented at 2017 IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems (FUZZ-IEEE 2017)

In a previous paper, we proposed an extended ANFIS architecture and showed that interval type-2 ANFIS produced larger errors than type-1 ANFIS on the well-known IRIS classification problem. In this paper, more experiments on both synthetic and real-w... Read More about Type-1 and interval type-2 ANFIS: a comparison.

An extended ANFIS architecture and its learning properties for type-1 and interval type-2 models (2016)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Chen, C., John, R., Twycross, J., & Garibaldi, J. M. An extended ANFIS architecture and its learning properties for type-1 and interval type-2 models. Presented at 2016 IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems (FUZZ-IEEE 2016)

In this paper, an extended ANFIS architecture is proposed. By incorporating an extra layer for the fuzzification process, the extended architecture is able to fit both type-1 and interval type-2 models. The learning properties of the proposed archite... Read More about An extended ANFIS architecture and its learning properties for type-1 and interval type-2 models.

Modular assembly of cell systems biology models using P systems (2009)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Romero-Campero, F. J., Twycross, J., Camara, M., Bennett, M., Gheorghe, M., & Krasnogor, N. (2008, June). Modular assembly of cell systems biology models using P systems. Presented at Prague International Workshop on Membrane Computing, Prague, Czech Republic

In this paper we propose an extension of a systems/synthetic biology modelling framework based on P systems that explicitly includes modularity. Modularisation in cellular systems can be produced by chemical specificity, spatial localisation and/or t... Read More about Modular assembly of cell systems biology models using P systems.

'Malicious Code Execution Detection and Response Immune System inspired by the Danger Theory' (2005)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Kim, J., Greensmith, J., Twycross, J., & Aickelin, U. 'Malicious Code Execution Detection and Response Immune System inspired by the Danger Theory'. Presented at Adaptive and Resilient Computing Security Workshop (ARCS-05)

The analysis of system calls is one method employed by anomaly detection systems to recognise malicious code execution. Similarities can be drawn between this process and the behaviour of certain cells belonging to the human immune system, and can be... Read More about 'Malicious Code Execution Detection and Response Immune System inspired by the Danger Theory'.

'Towards a Conceptual Framework for Innate Immunity' (2005)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Twycross, J., & Aickelin, U. 'Towards a Conceptual Framework for Innate Immunity'. Presented at ICARIS-2005, 4th International Conference on Artificial Immune Systems, LNCS 3627

Innate immunity now occupies a central role in immunology. However, artificial immune system models have largely been inspired by adaptive not innate immunity. This paper reviews the biological principles and properties of innate immunity and, adopt... Read More about 'Towards a Conceptual Framework for Innate Immunity'.

Immune System Approaches to Intrusion Detection - A Review (ICARIS) (2004)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Aickelin, U., Greensmith, J., & Twycross, J. (2004, September). Immune System Approaches to Intrusion Detection - A Review (ICARIS). Presented at Artificial Immune Systems, Sicily, Italy

The use of artificial immune systems in intrusion detection is an appealing concept for two reasons. Firstly, the human immune system provides the human body with a high level of protection from invading pathogens, in a robust, self-organised and dis... Read More about Immune System Approaches to Intrusion Detection - A Review (ICARIS).

'Immune System Approaches to Intrusion Detection - A Review' (2004)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Aickelin, U., Greensmith, J., & Twycross, J. 'Immune System Approaches to Intrusion Detection - A Review'. Presented at ICARIS-2004, 3rd International Conference on Artificial Immune Systems, LNCS 3239

Abstract. The use of artificial immune systems in intrusion detection is
an appealing concept for two reasons. Firstly, the human immune system
provides the human body with a high level of protection from invading
pathogens, in a robust, s... Read More about 'Immune System Approaches to Intrusion Detection - A Review'.

Detecting Danger: Applying a Novel Immunological Concept to Intrusion Detection Systems' (2004)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Greensmith, J., Aickelin, U., & Twycross, J. Detecting Danger: Applying a Novel Immunological Concept to Intrusion Detection Systems'. Presented at 6th International Conference in Adaptive Computing in Design and Manufacture


In recent years computer systems have become increasingly complex and consequently the challenge of protecting these systems has become
increasingly difficult. Various techniques have been implemented to counteract the misuse of com... Read More about Detecting Danger: Applying a Novel Immunological Concept to Intrusion Detection Systems'.

Biological Inspiration for Artificial Immune Systems
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Twycross, J., & Aickelin, U. Biological Inspiration for Artificial Immune Systems. Presented at Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Artificial Immune Systems (ICARIS 2007)

Artificial immune systems (AISs) to date have generally been inspired by naive biological metaphors. This has limited the effectiveness of these systems. In this position paper two ways in which AISs could be made more biologically realistic are disc... Read More about Biological Inspiration for Artificial Immune Systems.

Articulation and Clarification of the Dendric Cell Algorithm
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Greensmith, J., Aickelin, U., & Twycross, J. Articulation and Clarification of the Dendric Cell Algorithm. Presented at Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Artificial Immune Systems (ICARIS 2006)

The Dendritic Cell algorithm (DCA) is inspired by recent
work in innate immunity. In this paper a formal description of the DCA is given. The DCA is described in detail, and its use as an anomaly detector is illustrated within the context of compute... Read More about Articulation and Clarification of the Dendric Cell Algorithm.

Dendritic Cells for Anomaly Detection
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Greensmith, J., Twycross, J., & Aickelin, U. Dendritic Cells for Anomaly Detection. Presented at Proceedings of the IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation (CEC 2006)

Artificial immune systems, more specifically the negative selection algorithm, have previously been applied to intrusion detection. The aim of this research is to develop
an intrusion detection system based on a novel concept in
immunology, the Dan... Read More about Dendritic Cells for Anomaly Detection.

Integrating Innate and Adaptive Immunity for Intrusion Detection
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Tedesco, G., Twycross, J., & Aickelin, U. Integrating Innate and Adaptive Immunity for Intrusion Detection. Presented at Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Artificial Immune Systems (ICARIS 2006)

Network Intrusion Detection Systems (NIDS) monitor a net-
work with the aim of discerning malicious from benign activity on that network. While a wide range of approaches have met varying levels of success, most IDS’s rely on having access to a data... Read More about Integrating Innate and Adaptive Immunity for Intrusion Detection.

Experimenting with Innate Immunity
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Twycross, J., & Aickelin, U. Experimenting with Innate Immunity. Presented at Proceedings of the Workshop on Artificial Immune Systems and Immune System Modelling (AISB 2006)

libtissue is a software system for implementing and testing AIS algorithms on real-world computer security problems. AIS algorithms are implemented as a collection of cells, antigen and signals interacting within a tissue compartment. Input data to t... Read More about Experimenting with Innate Immunity.

Libtissue - Implementing Innate Immunity
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Twycross, J., & Aickelin, U. Libtissue - Implementing Innate Immunity. Presented at Proceedings of the IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation (CEC 2006)

In a previous paper the authors argued the case for incorporating ideas from innate immunity into artificial
immune systems (AISs) and presented an outline for a conceptualframework for such systems. A number of key general properties observed in th... Read More about Libtissue - Implementing Innate Immunity.