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A Psychometric Analysis of the Stress Management Competency Indicator Tool (2025)
Journal Article
Dulal, T., Hassard, J., Wang, W., Yarker, J., Thomson, L., & Blake, H. (in press). A Psychometric Analysis of the Stress Management Competency Indicator Tool. Occupational Medicine,

Background: Work-related stress is a growing concern in the United Kingdom, negatively impacting both employee well-being and organisational effectiveness. Addressing work-related stress through effective managerial practices is essential, however, e... Read More about A Psychometric Analysis of the Stress Management Competency Indicator Tool.

Voluntary HIV Testing and Counselling Initiatives in Occupational Settings: A Scoping Review (2025)
Journal Article
Blake, H., Yildirim, M., Lax, S. J., & Evans, C. (2025). Voluntary HIV Testing and Counselling Initiatives in Occupational Settings: A Scoping Review. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 22(2), Article 263.

Voluntary HIV testing and counselling (VCT) in the workplace could reach population groups who may be at risk for HIV but may not readily seek out testing from other services. We conducted a scoping review to understand (a) the nature of evidence rel... Read More about Voluntary HIV Testing and Counselling Initiatives in Occupational Settings: A Scoping Review.

Psychological detachment from work predicts mental wellbeing of working-age adults: findings from the ‘Wellbeing of the Workforce’ (WoW) prospective longitudinal cohort study (2025)
Journal Article
Blake, H., Hassard, J., Thomson, L., Choo, W. H., Dulal-Arthur, T., Karanika-Murray, M., Delic, L., Pickford, R., & Rudkin, L. (2025). Psychological detachment from work predicts mental wellbeing of working-age adults: findings from the ‘Wellbeing of the Workforce’ (WoW) prospective longitudinal cohort study. PLoS ONE, 20(1), Article e0312673.

Background There is an urgent need to better understand the factors that predict mental wellbeing in vocationally active adults during globally turbulent times. Aim To explore the relationship between psychological detachment from work (postulated as... Read More about Psychological detachment from work predicts mental wellbeing of working-age adults: findings from the ‘Wellbeing of the Workforce’ (WoW) prospective longitudinal cohort study.

Response to comment on: A qualitative study of the views of ethnic minority healthcare workers towards COVID-19 Vaccine Education (CoVE) to support vaccine promotion and uptake (2024)
Journal Article
Blake, H. (2024). Response to comment on: A qualitative study of the views of ethnic minority healthcare workers towards COVID-19 Vaccine Education (CoVE) to support vaccine promotion and uptake. New Solutions: A Journal of Environmental and Occupational Health Policy,

Experiences and perceptions of acute testicular pain, with a focus on reasons for delayed presentation to hospital: a qualitative evidence synthesis (2024)
Journal Article
Anderson, E., Chaplin, W. J., Turner, C., Johnson, G. D., Blake, H., & Tabner, A. (2024). Experiences and perceptions of acute testicular pain, with a focus on reasons for delayed presentation to hospital: a qualitative evidence synthesis. Emergency Medicine Journal, Article emermed-2024-214125.

The annual incidence of testicular torsion is approximately 1 in 4000 males under the age of 25. Despite the 97% testicular salvage rate when surgical intervention is within 6 hours of onset, orchidectomy is required in 40% of cases. Thes... Read More about Experiences and perceptions of acute testicular pain, with a focus on reasons for delayed presentation to hospital: a qualitative evidence synthesis.

Formative work for the LEGEND (Low EnerGy DiEt iN adolescents with type 2 diabetes and obesity) study: a worked example of patient and public involvement in research (2024)
Journal Article
Blake, H., Law, J., Procter, E., Barrett, T., & Sachdev, P. (2024). Formative work for the LEGEND (Low EnerGy DiEt iN adolescents with type 2 diabetes and obesity) study: a worked example of patient and public involvement in research. Practical Diabetes, 41(4), 27-31.

This study uses evidence-based guidance to report on patient and public involvement and engagement activity that informed the design of a feasibility trial to explore the use of low energy diet for children and young people with type 2 diabetes. Over... Read More about Formative work for the LEGEND (Low EnerGy DiEt iN adolescents with type 2 diabetes and obesity) study: a worked example of patient and public involvement in research.

Organizations offering line manager training in mental health and presenteeism: A secondary data analysis of organizational-level data (2024)
Journal Article
Dulal-Arthur, T., Hassard, J., Bourke, J., Wishart, M., Bartle, C., Roper, S., Belt, V., Leka, S., Pahl, N., Thomson, L., & Blake, H. (2025). Organizations offering line manager training in mental health and presenteeism: A secondary data analysis of organizational-level data. Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology, 98(1), Article e12552.

Presenteeism (working while ill) due to mental ill-health is estimated to be one of the largest economic costs to employers. We seek to investigate the relationship between line manager training in mental health (MH) and presenteeism trends at work.... Read More about Organizations offering line manager training in mental health and presenteeism: A secondary data analysis of organizational-level data.

Organizations offering line manager training in mental health and presenteeism: A secondary data analysis of organizational‐level data (2024)
Journal Article
Dulal‐Arthur, T., Hassard, J., Bourke, J., Wishart, M., Bartle, C., Roper, S., Belt, V., Leka, S., Pahl, N., Thomson, L., & Blake, H. (2024). Organizations offering line manager training in mental health and presenteeism: A secondary data analysis of organizational‐level data. Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology,

Presenteeism (working while ill) due to mental ill‐health is estimated to be one of the largest economic costs to employers. We seek to investigate the relationship between line manager training in mental health (MH) and presenteeism trends at work.... Read More about Organizations offering line manager training in mental health and presenteeism: A secondary data analysis of organizational‐level data.

The WWHIDE Framework (Web-based Workforce Health Intervention Development and Evaluation): developing a guide for workplace web-based trials (2024)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Blake, H., Chaplin, W., Hassard, J., & Thomson, L. (2024, September). The WWHIDE Framework (Web-based Workforce Health Intervention Development and Evaluation): developing a guide for workplace web-based trials. Poster presented at 7th International Clinical Trials Methodology Conference (ICTMC) 2024, Edinburgh, Scotland

A qualitative study of the views of ethnic minority healthcare workers towards COVID-19 Vaccine Education (CoVE) to support vaccine promotion and uptake (2024)
Journal Article
Blake, H., Premakumar, V., Premakumar, A., Fecowycz, A., Khulumula, S. K., Jones, W., & Somerset, S. (2024). A qualitative study of the views of ethnic minority healthcare workers towards COVID-19 Vaccine Education (CoVE) to support vaccine promotion and uptake. New Solutions: A Journal of Environmental and Occupational Health Policy, 34(3), 198-212.

Ethnic minority healthcare workers (EMHCW) are at high risk of COVID-19 infection and adverse health outcomes, but vaccine uptake is low among ethnic minority communities, including EMHCW. We explored the views of EMHCW towards COVID-19 Vaccine Educa... Read More about A qualitative study of the views of ethnic minority healthcare workers towards COVID-19 Vaccine Education (CoVE) to support vaccine promotion and uptake.

A Qualitative Study of the Views of Ethnic Minority Healthcare Workers Towards COVID-19 Vaccine Education (CoVE) to Support Vaccine Promotion and Uptake (2024)
Journal Article
Blake, H., Premakumar, V., Premakumar, A., Fecowycz, A., Kamkosi Khulumula, S., Jones, W., & Somerset, S. (2024). A Qualitative Study of the Views of Ethnic Minority Healthcare Workers Towards COVID-19 Vaccine Education (CoVE) to Support Vaccine Promotion and Uptake. New Solutions: A Journal of Environmental and Occupational Health Policy, 34(3), 198-212.

Ethnic minority healthcare workers (EMHCW) are at high risk of COVID-19 infection and adverse health outcomes, but vaccine uptake is low among ethnic minority communities, including EMHCW. We explored the views of EMHCW towards COVID-19 Vaccine Educa... Read More about A Qualitative Study of the Views of Ethnic Minority Healthcare Workers Towards COVID-19 Vaccine Education (CoVE) to Support Vaccine Promotion and Uptake.

Mental Health, Well-being and Performance at Work: The role of organisational, leadership and team-level factors (2024)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Thomson, L. E., Wishart, M., Hassard, J., Bourke, J., Roper, S., Belt, V., Bartle, C., Leka, S., & Blake, H. (2024, September). Mental Health, Well-being and Performance at Work: The role of organisational, leadership and team-level factors. Presented at BAM 2024 Conference, Nottingham, UK

This symposium will present evidence on the organisational, leadership, and team-level factors which have a role in mental well-being, performance and innovation. Three papers will present the latest findings from research funded by the ESRC: results... Read More about Mental Health, Well-being and Performance at Work: The role of organisational, leadership and team-level factors.

Applying health promotion knowledge to self-care: healthy eating and weight management for nurses (2024)
Journal Article
Blake, H. (2024). Applying health promotion knowledge to self-care: healthy eating and weight management for nurses. Nursing Standard,

Promoting health in the workplace is a national and international public health priority, and health promotion is a central aspect of the nursing role. However, nurses’ knowledge of health promotion does not always translate to self-care and there ar... Read More about Applying health promotion knowledge to self-care: healthy eating and weight management for nurses.

Work-related smartphone use during off-job hours and work-life conflict: A scoping review (2024)
Journal Article
Blake, H., Hassard, J., Singh, J., & Teoh, K. (2024). Work-related smartphone use during off-job hours and work-life conflict: A scoping review. PLOS Digital Health, 3(7), Article e0000554.

Over recent decades the use of smartphones for work purposes has burgeoned both within and beyond working hours. The aim of the study was to conduct a scoping review to explore the association between the use of smartphone technology for work purpose... Read More about Work-related smartphone use during off-job hours and work-life conflict: A scoping review.

The relationship between line manager training in mental health and organisational outcomes (2024)
Journal Article
Hassard, J., Dulal-Arthur, T., Bourke, J., Wishart, M., Roper, S., Belt, V., Leka, S., Pahl, N., Bartle, C., Thomson, L., & Blake, H. (2024). The relationship between line manager training in mental health and organisational outcomes. PLoS ONE, 19(7), Article e0306065.

Background: Line manager (LM) training in mental health is gaining recognition as an effective method for improving the mental health and wellbeing of workers. However, research predominantly focuses on the impacts of training at the employee-level,... Read More about The relationship between line manager training in mental health and organisational outcomes.