The effect of expressive writing on wound healing: Immunohistochemistry analysis of skin tissue two weeks after punch biopsy wounding
Journal Article
Robinson, H., Jarrett, P., Vedhara, K., Tarlton, J., Whiting, C., Law, M., & Broadbent, E. (2022). The effect of expressive writing on wound healing: Immunohistochemistry analysis of skin tissue two weeks after punch biopsy wounding. Journal of Psychosomatic Research, 161, Article 110987.
Objective: To investigate the effects of expressive writing and its timing (pre or post wounding) on re-epithelialisation and leucocyte subsets within healing tissue. We previously showed expressive writing pre-wounding improved re-epithelialisation.... Read More about The effect of expressive writing on wound healing: Immunohistochemistry analysis of skin tissue two weeks after punch biopsy wounding.