CX3CL1 is up-regulated in the rat hippocampus during memory-associated synaptic plasticity
Journal Article
Sheridan, G. K., Wdowicz, A., Pickering, M., Watters, O., Halley, P., O'Sullivan, N. C., Mooney, C., O'Connell, D. J., O'Connor, J. J., & Murphy, K. J. (2014). CX3CL1 is up-regulated in the rat hippocampus during memory-associated synaptic plasticity. Frontiers in Cellular Neuroscience, 8, Article 233.
Several cytokines and chemokines are now known to play normal physiological roles in the brain where they act as key regulators of communication between neurons, glia, and microglia. In particular, cytokines and chemokines can affect cardinal cellula... Read More about CX3CL1 is up-regulated in the rat hippocampus during memory-associated synaptic plasticity.