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Understanding the perceptions of UK COVID-19 contact tracing app in the BAME community in Leicester (2021)
Journal Article
Akintoye, S., Ogoh, G., Krokida, Z., Nnadi, J., & Eke, D. (2021). Understanding the perceptions of UK COVID-19 contact tracing app in the BAME community in Leicester. Journal of Information, Communication and Ethics in Society, 19(4), 521-536.

Purpose: Digital contact tracing technologies are critical to the fight against COVID-19 in many countries including the UK. However, a number of ethical, legal and socio-economic concerns that can affect uptake of the app have been raised. The purpo... Read More about Understanding the perceptions of UK COVID-19 contact tracing app in the BAME community in Leicester.

Pseudonymisation of neuroimages and data protection: Increasing access to data while retaining scientific utility (2021)
Journal Article
Eke, D., Aasebø, I. E., Akintoye, S., Knight, W., Karakasidis, A., Mikulan, E., Ochang, P., Ogoh, G., Oostenveld, R., Pigorini, A., Stahl, B. C., White, T., & Zehl, L. (2021). Pseudonymisation of neuroimages and data protection: Increasing access to data while retaining scientific utility. NeuroImage: Reports, 1(4), Article 100053.

For a number of years, facial features removal techniques such as ‘defacing’, ‘skull stripping’ and ‘face masking/blurring’, were considered adequate privacy preserving tools to openly share brain images. Scientifically, these measures were already a... Read More about Pseudonymisation of neuroimages and data protection: Increasing access to data while retaining scientific utility.