Control of NFAT Isoform Activation and NFAT-Dependent Gene Expression through Two Coincident and Spatially Segregated Intracellular Ca 2+ Signals
Journal Article
Kar, P., Mirams, G. R., Christian, H. C., & Parekh, A. B. (2016). Control of NFAT Isoform Activation and NFAT-Dependent Gene Expression through Two Coincident and Spatially Segregated Intracellular Ca 2+ Signals. Molecular Cell, 64(4), 746-759.
© 2016 The Author(s) Excitation-transcription coupling, linking stimulation at the cell surface to changes in nuclear gene expression, is conserved throughout eukaryotes. How closely related coexpressed transcription factors are differentially activa... Read More about Control of NFAT Isoform Activation and NFAT-Dependent Gene Expression through Two Coincident and Spatially Segregated Intracellular Ca 2+ Signals.