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Validation of methods to identify people with idiopathic inflammatory myopathies using hospital episode statistics (2022)
Journal Article
Hannah, J., Gordon, P., Galloway, J., Rutter, M., Peach, E., Rooney, M., Stilwell, P., Grainge, M., Lanyon, P., Bythell, M., & Pearce, F. (2022). Validation of methods to identify people with idiopathic inflammatory myopathies using hospital episode statistics. Rheumatology Advances in Practice, 6(3), Article rkac102.

Objective: Hospital episode statistics (HES) are routinely recorded at every hospital admission within the National Health Service (NHS) in England. This study validates diagnostic ICD-10 codes within HES as a method of identifying cases of idiopathi... Read More about Validation of methods to identify people with idiopathic inflammatory myopathies using hospital episode statistics.

Humoral and cellular immunity in patients with rare autoimmune rheumatic diseases following SARS-CoV-2 vaccination (2022)
Journal Article
Gumber, L., Gomez, N., Hopkins, G., Tucis, D., Bartlett, L., Ayling, K., Vedhara, K., Steers, G., Chakravorty, M., Rutter, M., Jackson, H., Tighe, P., Ferraro, A., Power, S., Pradère, M.-J., Onion, D., Lanyon, P. C., Pearce, F. A., & Fairclough, L. (2023). Humoral and cellular immunity in patients with rare autoimmune rheumatic diseases following SARS-CoV-2 vaccination. Rheumatology, 62(6), 2294-2303.

Objectives: COVID-19 vaccine responses in rare autoimmune rheumatic diseases (RAIRD) remain poorly understood, in particular there is little known about whether people develop effective T-cell responses. We conducted a prospective cohort study to eva... Read More about Humoral and cellular immunity in patients with rare autoimmune rheumatic diseases following SARS-CoV-2 vaccination.

COVID-19 infection and hospitalization risk according to vaccination status and DMARD treatment in patients with rheumatoid arthritis (2022)
Journal Article
Cordtz, R., Kristensen, S., Westermann, R., Duch, K., Pearce, F., Lindhardsen, J., Torp-Pedersen, C., Andersen, M. P., & Dreyer, L. (2023). COVID-19 infection and hospitalization risk according to vaccination status and DMARD treatment in patients with rheumatoid arthritis. Rheumatology, 62(1), 77-88.

Objectives: The objectives of this study were to investigate the incidence of COVID-19 hospitalization in unvaccinated and vaccinated patients with RA compared with matched controls, and in patients with RA according to DMARD treatment.

Methods: T... Read More about COVID-19 infection and hospitalization risk according to vaccination status and DMARD treatment in patients with rheumatoid arthritis.