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All Outputs (2)

Autism and the double empathy problem: Implications for development and mental health (2021)
Journal Article
Mitchell, P., Sheppard, E., & Cassidy, S. (2021). Autism and the double empathy problem: Implications for development and mental health. British Journal of Developmental Psychology, 39(1), 1-18.

Autism and the double empathy problem: Implications for development and mental health This article explores how the experience of living in a largely neurotypical society could hinder development of abilities which allow smooth interactions between a... Read More about Autism and the double empathy problem: Implications for development and mental health.

Cross-cultural effects on detecting multiple sources of driving hazard: Evidence from the deceleration detection flicker test (2020)
Journal Article
Lee, Y. M., Miller, K., Crundall, D., & Sheppard, E. (2020). Cross-cultural effects on detecting multiple sources of driving hazard: Evidence from the deceleration detection flicker test. Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour, 69, 222-234.

Collision rates in Malaysia are much higher than the UK; do these reflect poorer hazard perception skill or does exposure to hazardous events improve hazard detection ability? The deceleration detection flicker test (DDFT) was used to investigate the... Read More about Cross-cultural effects on detecting multiple sources of driving hazard: Evidence from the deceleration detection flicker test.