Myosin-Va and dynamic actin oppose microtubules to drive long-range organelle transport
Journal Article
Evans, R. D., Robinson, C., Briggs, D. A., Tooth, D. J., Ramalho, J. S., Cantero, M., Montoliu, L., Patel, S., Sviderskaya, E. V., & Hume, A. N. (2014). Myosin-Va and dynamic actin oppose microtubules to drive long-range organelle transport. Current Biology, 24(15), 1743-1750.
In animal cells, microtubule and actin tracks and their associated motors (dynein, kinesin, and myosin) are thought to regulate long- and short-range transport, respectively [1-8]. Consistent with this, microtubules extend from the perinuclear centro... Read More about Myosin-Va and dynamic actin oppose microtubules to drive long-range organelle transport.