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All Outputs (120)

A quick method for evaluating the thresholds of workpiece surface damage in machining (2019)
Journal Article
Xu, D., Liao, Z., Axinte, D., Hardy, M., & M'Saoubi, R. (2019). A quick method for evaluating the thresholds of workpiece surface damage in machining. CIRP Annals - Manufacturing Technology, 68(1), 61-64.

© 2019 This paper proposes a Pendulum-Based Cutting Test (PBCT) methodology which allows quick cutting tests for surface integrity evaluation along with providing cutting energies associated with particular level of workpiece surface damage, this is... Read More about A quick method for evaluating the thresholds of workpiece surface damage in machining.

Design and Development of a Slender Dual-Structure Continuum Robot for In-Situ Aeroengine Repair (2018)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Wang, M., Palmer, D., Dong, X., Alatorre, D., Axinte, D., & Norton, A. (2018, October). Design and Development of a Slender Dual-Structure Continuum Robot for In-Situ Aeroengine Repair. Presented at 2018 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), Madrid, Spain

© 2018 IEEE. In-situ aeroengine maintenance works (e.g. inspection, repair) are highly beneficial as it can significantly reduce currently accepted maintenance cycle which is extensive and costly due to the need to remove engines from the wing of an... Read More about Design and Development of a Slender Dual-Structure Continuum Robot for In-Situ Aeroengine Repair.

On modelling of laser assisted machining: forward and inverse problems for heat placement control (2018)
Journal Article
Shang, Z., Liao, Z., Sarasua, J. A., Billingham, J., & Axinte, D. (2019). On modelling of laser assisted machining: forward and inverse problems for heat placement control. International Journal of Machine Tools and Manufacture, 138, 36-50.

Laser assisted machining (LAM) is one of the most efficient ways to improve the machinability of difficult-to-cut materials (e.g. Nickel-based superalloys). In the conventional LAM process, the laser beam is focused ahead of the cutting area at a fix... Read More about On modelling of laser assisted machining: forward and inverse problems for heat placement control.

On modelling of cutting force and temperature in bone milling (2018)
Journal Article
Liao, Z., Axinte, D., & Gao, D. (2019). On modelling of cutting force and temperature in bone milling. Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 266, 627-638.

© 2018 Elsevier B.V. Cutting force and temperature are the key factors to be controlled during the orthopaedic surgery which could result in mechanical damage and necrosis of the bone tissue. Mechanistic modelling of the bone cutting process is expec... Read More about On modelling of cutting force and temperature in bone milling.

On understanding the microstructure of SiC/SiC Ceramic Matrix Composites (CMCs) after a material removal process (2018)
Journal Article
Gavalda Diaz, O., Axinte, D., Butler-Smith, P., & Novovic, D. (2019). On understanding the microstructure of SiC/SiC Ceramic Matrix Composites (CMCs) after a material removal process. Materials Science and Engineering: A, 743, 1-11.

The unique material nature (e.g. hard, brittle, heterogeneous and orthotropic) of SiC-based Ceramic Matrix Composites (CMCs) highly affects the outcomes of machining process by inducing high thermo-mechanical loads during material removal. This can r... Read More about On understanding the microstructure of SiC/SiC Ceramic Matrix Composites (CMCs) after a material removal process.

Robotic Boreblending: The Future of In-Situ Gas Turbine Repair (2018)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Alatorre, D., Nasser, B., Rabani, A., Nagy-Sochacki, A., Dong, X., Axinte, D., & Kell, J. (2018, October). Robotic Boreblending: The Future of In-Situ Gas Turbine Repair. Presented at 2018 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), Madrid, Spain

© 2018 IEEE. Automation of inspection and repair tasks on complex installations is gaining attention from industries with high-value assets such as aerospace, nuclear and marine. This paper reports on a five degrees of freedom robotic system capable... Read More about Robotic Boreblending: The Future of In-Situ Gas Turbine Repair.

Design and stiffness analysis of A class of 2-DoF tendon driven parallel kinematic mechanism (2018)
Journal Article
Ma, N., Yu, J., Dong, X., & Axinte, D. (2018). Design and stiffness analysis of A class of 2-DoF tendon driven parallel kinematic mechanism. Mechanism and Machine Theory, 129, 202-217.

2-DoF Rotational mechanism is increasingly utilized in a large range of industrial applications. However, the structures of most of the existing mechanisms are very complex, which is a significant challenge for building them, due to the tight tolera... Read More about Design and stiffness analysis of A class of 2-DoF tendon driven parallel kinematic mechanism.

Probabilistic modelling of tool unbalance during cutting of hard-heterogeneous materials: a case study in Ceramic Matrix Composites (CMCs) (2018)
Journal Article
Diaz, O. G., Axinte, D. A., & Novovic, D. (2018). Probabilistic modelling of tool unbalance during cutting of hard-heterogeneous materials: a case study in Ceramic Matrix Composites (CMCs). Composites Part B: Engineering, 148,

Compared to other materials, CMCs display a unique high hardness and heterogeneous nature which are critically reflected during the drilling process where asymmetrical high forces are suffered by the tool, resulting in an unbalance of the drill bit.... Read More about Probabilistic modelling of tool unbalance during cutting of hard-heterogeneous materials: a case study in Ceramic Matrix Composites (CMCs).

On the inverse design of discontinuous abrasive surface to lower friction-induced temperature in grinding: an example of engineered abrasive tools (2018)
Journal Article
Li, H. N., & Axinte, D. (2018). On the inverse design of discontinuous abrasive surface to lower friction-induced temperature in grinding: an example of engineered abrasive tools. International Journal of Machine Tools and Manufacture, 132,

In order to lower temperature, abrasive tools with passive-grinding, e.g. textured, areas (PGA) have been suggested. However, most of the reported PGA geometries (e.g. slots, holes) have been determined based on the engineering intuition (i.e. trial... Read More about On the inverse design of discontinuous abrasive surface to lower friction-induced temperature in grinding: an example of engineered abrasive tools.

Residual stress and adhesion of thermal spray coatings: microscopic view by solidification and crystallisation analysis in the epitaxial CoNiCrAlY single splat (2018)
Journal Article
Fanicchia, F., Maeder, X., Ast, J., Taylor, A., Guo, Y., Polyakov, M., Michler, J., & Axinte, D. (2018). Residual stress and adhesion of thermal spray coatings: microscopic view by solidification and crystallisation analysis in the epitaxial CoNiCrAlY single splat. Materials and Design, 153,

A new approach is proposed to achieve an in-depth understanding of crystallisation, residual stress and adhesion in epitaxial splats obtained by Combustion Flame Spray. Modelling of the fundamental process mechanisms is achieved with the help of expe... Read More about Residual stress and adhesion of thermal spray coatings: microscopic view by solidification and crystallisation analysis in the epitaxial CoNiCrAlY single splat.

On the influence of gamma prime upon machining of advanced nickel based superalloy (2018)
Journal Article
Liao, Z., Axinte, D., Mieszala, M., M’Saoubi, R., Abelhafeez, A., Michler, J., & Hardy, M. (2018). On the influence of gamma prime upon machining of advanced nickel based superalloy. CIRP Annals - Manufacturing Technology, 67(1), 109-112.

Whilst gamma prime (γ’) phase is the strengthening phase in Ni-based superalloys its influence on machining has been seldom investigated. This paper reports for the first time on the effect of γ’ upon machining of Ni-based superalloys when cutting wi... Read More about On the influence of gamma prime upon machining of advanced nickel based superalloy.

A wireless instrumented milling cutter system with embedded PVDF sensors (2018)
Journal Article
Luo, M., Luo, H., Axinte, D., Liu, D., Mei, J., & Liao, Z. (2018). A wireless instrumented milling cutter system with embedded PVDF sensors. Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 110,

Among all the monitoring data which could be captured in a machining process, the cutting forces could convey key knowledge on the conditions of the process. When the machining involves a single cutting edge the relationship between the output forces... Read More about A wireless instrumented milling cutter system with embedded PVDF sensors.

Transient three-dimensional geometrical/thermal modelling of thermal spray: normal-impinging jet and single straight deposits (2018)
Journal Article
Fanicchia, F., & Axinte, D. A. (2018). Transient three-dimensional geometrical/thermal modelling of thermal spray: normal-impinging jet and single straight deposits. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 122,

A new time-dependent approach to the geometrical and thermal modelling of the deposit footprint in thermal spray processes is proposed. Based upon a three-dimensional finite-difference numerical technique, the model is composed of two integrated sect... Read More about Transient three-dimensional geometrical/thermal modelling of thermal spray: normal-impinging jet and single straight deposits.

MiRoR—Miniaturized Robotic Systems for Holistic In-Situ Repair and maintenance works in restrained and hazardous environments (2018)
Journal Article
Axinte, D., Dong, X., Palmer, D., Rushworth, A., Guzman, S. C., Olarra, A., Arizaga, I., Gomez-Acedo, E., Txoperena, K., Pfeiffer, K., Messmer, F., Gruhler, M., & Kell, J. (2018). MiRoR—Miniaturized Robotic Systems for Holistic In-Situ Repair and maintenance works in restrained and hazardous environments. IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics, 23(2), 978-981.

This letter presents the novel concept of a miniaturized robotized machine tool, Mini-RoboMach, consisting of a walking hexapod robot and a Slender Continuum Arm. By combining the mobility of the walking robot with the positioning accuracy of the mac... Read More about MiRoR—Miniaturized Robotic Systems for Holistic In-Situ Repair and maintenance works in restrained and hazardous environments.

Investigation of the microstructure change due to phase transition in nanosecond pulsed laser processing of diamond (2017)
Journal Article
Cadot, G. B., Thomas, K., Best, J. P., Taylor, A., Michler, J., Axinte, D., & Billingham, J. (2018). Investigation of the microstructure change due to phase transition in nanosecond pulsed laser processing of diamond. Carbon, 127, 349-365.

Experiments and theory are employed to investigate the thermal damage induced by infra-red nanosecond pulses in atmospheric air into a boron-doped diamond target. Micro-Raman spectroscopy, Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM) analysis and surface t... Read More about Investigation of the microstructure change due to phase transition in nanosecond pulsed laser processing of diamond.

New models for energy beam machining enable accurate generation of freeforms (2017)
Journal Article
Axinte, D. A., Billingham, J., & Guillerna, A. B. (in press). New models for energy beam machining enable accurate generation of freeforms. Science Advances, 3(9), Article e1701201.

We demonstrate that, despite differences in their nature, many energy beam controlled-depth machining processes (e.g. waterjet, pulsed laser, focused ion beam) can be modelled using the same mathematical framework – a partial differential evolution e... Read More about New models for energy beam machining enable accurate generation of freeforms.

Waterjet and laser etching: the nonlinear inverse problem (2017)
Journal Article
Bilbao Guillerna, A., Axinte, D. A., Billingham, J., & Cadot, G. (2017). Waterjet and laser etching: the nonlinear inverse problem. Royal Society Open Science, 4(161031),

In waterjet and laser milling, material is removed from a solid surface in a succession of layers to create a new shape, in a depth-controlled manner. The inverse problem consists of defining the control parameters, in particular, the two-dimensional... Read More about Waterjet and laser etching: the nonlinear inverse problem.

A study of surface swelling caused by graphitisation during pulsed laser ablation of carbon allotrope with high content of sp ³ bounds (2017)
Journal Article
Cadot, G., Billingham, J., & Axinte, D. A. (in press). A study of surface swelling caused by graphitisation during pulsed laser ablation of carbon allotrope with high content of sp ³ bounds. Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 50(24),

Experiments and theory are employed to investigate the laser ablation of boron doped diamond and tetrahedral amorphous carbon using nanosecond pulses. For a single pulse at low values of fluence, the laser induces a swelling of the surface due to gra... Read More about A study of surface swelling caused by graphitisation during pulsed laser ablation of carbon allotrope with high content of sp ³ bounds.

An approach on capturing the influence of the stochasticity of fibre distributions for modelling the variability of cutting forces in composite materials (2017)
Journal Article
Mei, J., Gavalda Diaz, O., & Axinte, D. A. (2017). An approach on capturing the influence of the stochasticity of fibre distributions for modelling the variability of cutting forces in composite materials. Composites Part B: Engineering, 125, 27-38.

The paper presents a novel model to evaluate the variation of orthogonal cutting forces for randomly distributed unidirectional fibres when cutting composite structures. The distribution analysis of fibre locations is first introduced into this topic... Read More about An approach on capturing the influence of the stochasticity of fibre distributions for modelling the variability of cutting forces in composite materials.

Erosion mechanisms during abrasive waterjet machining: model microstructures and single particle experiments (2017)
Journal Article
Mieszala, M., Lozano Torrubia, P., Axinte, D. A., Schwiedrzik, J., Mischler, S., & Michler, J. (2017). Erosion mechanisms during abrasive waterjet machining: model microstructures and single particle experiments. Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 247,

The erosion mechanisms during abrasive waterjet (AWJ) machining have been examined for a variety of materials. However, no systematic study has considered the effect of the microstructure–property relationship on the erosion mechanisms in metals. In... Read More about Erosion mechanisms during abrasive waterjet machining: model microstructures and single particle experiments.