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Vocational rehabilitation to enhance return to work after trauma (ROWTATE): protocol for a non-randomised single-arm mixed-methods feasibility study (2021)
Journal Article
Kendrick, D., das Nair, R., Kellezi, B., Morriss, R., Kettlewell, J., Holmes, J., Timmons, S., Bridger, K., Patel, P., Brooks, A., Hoffman, K., & Radford, K. (2021). Vocational rehabilitation to enhance return to work after trauma (ROWTATE): protocol for a non-randomised single-arm mixed-methods feasibility study. Pilot and Feasibility Studies, 7(1), Article 29.

Traumatic injuries are common amongst working age adults. Survivors often experience physical and psychological problems, reduced quality of life and difficulty returning to work. Vocational rehabilitation improves work outcomes for a ran... Read More about Vocational rehabilitation to enhance return to work after trauma (ROWTATE): protocol for a non-randomised single-arm mixed-methods feasibility study.

GP views on the routine identification of older people living with frailty in primary care (2020)
Journal Article
Mulla, E., Orton, E., & Kendrick, D. (2020). GP views on the routine identification of older people living with frailty in primary care. British Journal of General Practice, 70(Supplement 1),

© British Journal of General Practice 2020. Background: To meet the challenges of an ageing population, the updated 2017/18 NHS GP contract requires primary care providers to use evidence-based frailty identification tools to risk-stratify all patien... Read More about GP views on the routine identification of older people living with frailty in primary care.

Intervention Characteristics Associated With a Reduction in Fear of Falling Among Community-Dwelling Older People: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis of Randomized Controlled Trials (2020)
Journal Article
Kruisbrink, M., Delbaere, K., Kempen, G. I., Crutzen, R., Ambergen, T., Cheung, K.-L., Kendrick, D., Iliffe, S., & Zijlstra, G. R. (2021). Intervention Characteristics Associated With a Reduction in Fear of Falling Among Community-Dwelling Older People: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis of Randomized Controlled Trials. Gerontologist, 61(6), Article e269–e282.

Fear of falling (FoF) is a common and serious problem for older people. Multi-component interventions usually show only moderate effects. Disentangling the effective components may help in the optimisation of interventions. Randomised controlled tria... Read More about Intervention Characteristics Associated With a Reduction in Fear of Falling Among Community-Dwelling Older People: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis of Randomized Controlled Trials.

A randomised feasibility study assessing an intervention to keep adults physically active after falls management exercise programmes end (2020)
Journal Article
Audsley, S., Kendrick, D., Logan, P., Jones, M., & Orton, E. (2020). A randomised feasibility study assessing an intervention to keep adults physically active after falls management exercise programmes end. Pilot and Feasibility Studies, 6, Article 37.

Background: Physical inactivity contributes to disability and falls in older adults. Falls prevention exercise (FaME) programmes improve physical activity, physical function and reduce falling rates. Improvements in physical function reduce, and fall... Read More about A randomised feasibility study assessing an intervention to keep adults physically active after falls management exercise programmes end.

Proceedings of BSRM and SRR (2020)
Journal Article
Kettlewell, J., Radford, K., Timmons, S., Bridger, K., Kendrick, D., de Dios Perez, B., & das Nair, R. (2020). Proceedings of BSRM and SRR. Clinical Rehabilitation, 34(4), 551-567.

The Society for Research in Rehabilitation (SRR) is the major multidisciplinary rehabilitation research society in the United Kingdom ( Its aim is to advance education and research into all aspects of rehabilitation medicine and to di... Read More about Proceedings of BSRM and SRR.

Educational weight loss interventions in obese and overweight adults with type 2 diabetes: a systematic review and meta‐analysis of randomized controlled trials (2019)
Journal Article
Maula, A., Kai, J., Woolley, A. K., Weng, S., Dhalwani, N., Griffiths, F., Khunti, K., & Kendrick, D. (2020). Educational weight loss interventions in obese and overweight adults with type 2 diabetes: a systematic review and meta‐analysis of randomized controlled trials. Diabetic Medicine, 73(4), 623-635.

Introduction: The worldwide prevalence of type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) is increasing with most individuals being overweight or obese. Weight loss can reduce disease-related morbidity and mortality, and weight losses of 10-15Kg have been shown to... Read More about Educational weight loss interventions in obese and overweight adults with type 2 diabetes: a systematic review and meta‐analysis of randomized controlled trials.

“We got more than we expected.” Older people’s experiences of falls-prevention exercise interventions and implications for practice. A qualitative study. (2019)
Journal Article
Lafond, N., Maula, A., Iliffe, S., Vedhara, K., Audsley, S., Kendrick, D., & Orton, E. (2019). “We got more than we expected.” Older people’s experiences of falls-prevention exercise interventions and implications for practice. A qualitative study. Primary Health Care Research and Development, 20, Article e103.

Aim: To explore the experiences of older adults participating in strength and balance exercise programmes and understand participants’ rationale for programme uptake and completion.

Background: Regular physical activity, specifically strength an... Read More about “We got more than we expected.” Older people’s experiences of falls-prevention exercise interventions and implications for practice. A qualitative study..

Determinants of motivation to quit in smokers screened for the early detection of lung cancer: a qualitative study (2018)
Journal Article
Young, B., Vedhara, K., Kendrick, D., Littleford, R., Robertson, J. F. R., Sullivan, F. M., Schembri, S., das Nair, R., & in collaboration with the ECLS study team. (2018). Determinants of motivation to quit in smokers screened for the early detection of lung cancer: a qualitative study. BMC Public Health, 18(1), Article 1276.

Background: The promotion of smoking cessation within lung cancer screening could lead to benefits for smoking-related disease and improve cost-effectiveness of screening. Little is known about how smokers respond to lung cancer screening and how thi... Read More about Determinants of motivation to quit in smokers screened for the early detection of lung cancer: a qualitative study.

Poisoning substances taken by young people: a population-based cohort study (2018)
Journal Article
Tyrrell, E. G., Kendrick, D., Sayal, K., & Orton, E. (2018). Poisoning substances taken by young people: a population-based cohort study. British Journal of General Practice, 68(675), e703-e710.

Background: Globally, poisonings account for most medically-attended self-harm. Recent data on poisoning substances are lacking, but needed to inform self-harm prevention.
Aim: To assess poisoning substance patterns and trends among 10-24 year olds... Read More about Poisoning substances taken by young people: a population-based cohort study.

Injury among children and young people with and without attention deficit-hyperactivity disorder in the community: the risk of fractures, thermal injuries and poisonings (2018)
Journal Article
Prasad, V., West, J., Sayal, K., & Kendrick, D. (2018). Injury among children and young people with and without attention deficit-hyperactivity disorder in the community: the risk of fractures, thermal injuries and poisonings. Child: Care, Health and Development, 44(6), 871-878.

Background: Injuries commonly cause morbidity and mortality in children and young people (CYP). Attention deficit-hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is the commonest neurobehavioural disorder in CYP and is associated with increased injury risk. However, l... Read More about Injury among children and young people with and without attention deficit-hyperactivity disorder in the community: the risk of fractures, thermal injuries and poisonings.

A logic model for the implementation of a falls management exercise programme (2018)
Timblin, C., Audsley, S., Carpenter, H., Coupland, C., Gladman, J., Kendrick, D., Lafond, N., Logan, P., Orton, E., Skelton, D. A., Timmons, S., & Ward, D. (2018). A logic model for the implementation of a falls management exercise programme. East Midlands Research into Ageing Network (EMRAN)

Early risk factors for depression, anxiety and post-traumatic distress after hospital admission for unintentional injury: multicentre cohort study (2018)
Journal Article
Kendrick, D., Baker, R., Hill, T., Beckett, K., Coupland, C., Kellezi, B., Joseph, S., Barnes, J., Sleney, J., Christie, N., & Morriss, R. (2018). Early risk factors for depression, anxiety and post-traumatic distress after hospital admission for unintentional injury: multicentre cohort study. Journal of Psychosomatic Research, 112, 15-24.

Objective: To quantify psychological morbidity and identify baseline factors associated with depression, anxiety and post-traumatic distress symptoms up to 12 months post-injury.

Methods: Multicentre cohort study of 668 adults, aged 16 to 70,... Read More about Early risk factors for depression, anxiety and post-traumatic distress after hospital admission for unintentional injury: multicentre cohort study.

Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder: variation by socio-economic deprivation (2018)
Journal Article
Prasad, V., West, J., Kendrick, D., & Sayal, K. (2019). Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder: variation by socio-economic deprivation. Archives of Disease in Childhood, 104(8), 802-805.

Background: In England, there is a discrepancy between the prevalence of Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) ascertained from medical records and community surveys. There is also a lack of data on variation in recorded prevalence by depri... Read More about Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder: variation by socio-economic deprivation.

PHysical activity Implementation Study In Community-dwelling AduLts (PHISICAL): study protocol (2018)
Journal Article
Carpenter, H., Audsley, S., Coupland, C., Gladman, J. R., Kendrick, D., Lafond, N., Logan, P., Skelton, D. A., Timblin, C., Timmons, S., Ward, D., & Orton, E. (in press). PHysical activity Implementation Study In Community-dwelling AduLts (PHISICAL): study protocol. Injury Prevention,

Background: Falls in older people are a leading causes of unintentional injury. Due to an ageing population, injuries are likely to increase unless more is done to reduce older people’s falls risk. In clinical trials, the Falls Management Exercise (F... Read More about PHysical activity Implementation Study In Community-dwelling AduLts (PHISICAL): study protocol.

Effect of oral prednisolone on symptom duration and severity in nonasthmatic adults with acute lower respiratory tract infection: a randomized clinical trial (2017)
Journal Article
Hay, A. D., Little, P., Harnden, A., Thompson, M., Wang, K., Kendrick, D., Orton, E., Brookes, S. T., Young, G. J., May, M., Hollinghurst, S., Carroll, F. E., Downing, H., Timmins, D., Lafond, N., El-Gohary, M., & Moore, M. (2017). Effect of oral prednisolone on symptom duration and severity in nonasthmatic adults with acute lower respiratory tract infection: a randomized clinical trial. Journal of the American Medical Association, 318(8), 721-730.

© 2017 American Medical Association. All rights reserved. IMPORTANCE: Acute lower respiratory tract infection is common and often treated inappropriately in primary care with antibiotics. Corticosteroids are increasingly used but without sufficient e... Read More about Effect of oral prednisolone on symptom duration and severity in nonasthmatic adults with acute lower respiratory tract infection: a randomized clinical trial.

Keeping children safe: a multicentre programme of research to increase the evidence base for preventing unintentional injuries in the home in the under-fives (2017)
Journal Article
Kendrick, D., Ablewhite, J., Achana, F., Benford, P., Clacy, R., Coffey, F., Cooper, N., Coupland, C., Deave, T., Goodenough, T., Hawkins, A., Hayes, M., Hindmarch, P., Hubbard, S., Kay, B., Kumar, A., Majsak-Newman, G., McColl, E., McDaid, L., Miller, P., …Zou, K. (2017). Keeping children safe: a multicentre programme of research to increase the evidence base for preventing unintentional injuries in the home in the under-fives. Programme Grants for Applied Research, 5(14),

Background: Unintentional injuries among 0- to 4-year-olds are a major public health problem incurring substantial NHS, individual and societal costs. However, evidence on the effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of preventative interventions is lack... Read More about Keeping children safe: a multicentre programme of research to increase the evidence base for preventing unintentional injuries in the home in the under-fives.

Psychological morbidity and return to work after injury: multicentre cohort study (2017)
Journal Article
Kendrick, D., Dhiman, P., Kellezi, B., Coupland, C., Whitehead, J., Beckett, K., Christie, N., Sleney, J., Barnes, J., Joseph, S., & Morriss, R. (in press). Psychological morbidity and return to work after injury: multicentre cohort study. British Journal of General Practice,

Background: The benefits of work for physical, psychological and financial wellbeing are well documented. Return to work (RTW) after unintentional injury is often delayed, and psychological morbidity may contribute to this delay. The impact of psycho... Read More about Psychological morbidity and return to work after injury: multicentre cohort study.