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Optimal and automated decentralised converter control design in more electrical aircraft power electronics embedded grids (2021)
Journal Article
Dewar, D., Formentini, A., Li, K., Zanchetta, P., & Wheeler, P. (2021). Optimal and automated decentralised converter control design in more electrical aircraft power electronics embedded grids. IET Power Electronics, 14(3), 690-705.

In modern power systems, the proliferation of power electronics converters, and distributed generation raises important issues concerning inter-connected switching units in terms of performance, stability and robustness. Such phenomenon are more prom... Read More about Optimal and automated decentralised converter control design in more electrical aircraft power electronics embedded grids.

Fast Self-Tuning Decentralized Variable Frequency Optimal Controller Design for Three-Phase Embedded Grids (2019)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Dewar, D., Rhoten, J., Formentini, A., & Zanchetta, P. (2019, October). Fast Self-Tuning Decentralized Variable Frequency Optimal Controller Design for Three-Phase Embedded Grids. Presented at IECON 2019 - 45th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society, Lisbon, Portugal

In this paper, a novel approach to variable frequency optimal controller design for the application of aircraft embedded grids is presented. Aircraft power grids by industrial standards need to be able to operate across a range of frequencies. Often,... Read More about Fast Self-Tuning Decentralized Variable Frequency Optimal Controller Design for Three-Phase Embedded Grids.

Grid Impedance Identification and Structured-h2 Optimization Based Controller Design of Active Front-end in Embedded AC Networks (2019)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Li, K., Dewar, D., Formentini, A., Zanchetta, P., & Wheeler, P. (2019, September). Grid Impedance Identification and Structured-h2 Optimization Based Controller Design of Active Front-end in Embedded AC Networks. Presented at 2019 IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition (ECCE), Baltimore, MD, USA

The increasing use of power electronics systems and distributed generation in modern power networks has raised important issues regarding the effects that inter-connected converters systems can have on the performance and stability of the whole grid.... Read More about Grid Impedance Identification and Structured-h2 Optimization Based Controller Design of Active Front-end in Embedded AC Networks.