Comparison of the impact of moisture on methane adsorption and nanoporosity for over mature shales and their kerogens
Journal Article
Li, W., Stevens, L. A., Uguna, C. N., Vane, C. H., Meredith, W., Tang, L., Li, Q., & Snape, C. E. (2021). Comparison of the impact of moisture on methane adsorption and nanoporosity for over mature shales and their kerogens. International Journal of Coal Geology, 237, Article 103705.
© 2021 Elsevier B.V. Moisture in shales under reservoir conditions adversely affects gas adsorption and nanoporosity and is also likely to impact on the contribution that kerogen makes to the methane adsorption capacity. To investigate these phenomen... Read More about Comparison of the impact of moisture on methane adsorption and nanoporosity for over mature shales and their kerogens.