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All Outputs (3)

Literary England: a tourism destination for the US traveller (2019)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Ingram, C., Themistocleous, C., Rickly, J., & McCabe, S. (2019, September). Literary England: a tourism destination for the US traveller. Presented at 12th Annual Conference of the EuroMed Academy of Business (EMAB), Thessaloniki, Greece

England is the birthplace of many literature's well-know authors and their characters; be that Jane Austen and Elizabeth Bennet; Charles Dickens and Oliver Twist; or Beatrix Potter and Peter Rabbit. It is unsurprising, therefore, that the UK has con... Read More about Literary England: a tourism destination for the US traveller.

Marketing literary England to the US traveller (2019)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Themistocleous, C., Ingram, C., Rickly, J., & Mccabe, S. (2019, September). Marketing literary England to the US traveller. Presented at 8th Advances in Tourism Marketing Conference (ATMC), Namur, Belgium

This paper examines English literary tourism through the eyes of the bibliophile and non-bibliophile. It adopts an inductive between-subjects experimental design to investigate the likelihood of a general sample of the US population visiting literary... Read More about Marketing literary England to the US traveller.

Modern Slavery: The Role of Prototypes in Categorizing Extreme Labor Exploitation (2018)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Caruana, R., Crane, A., & Ingram, C. (2018, August). Modern Slavery: The Role of Prototypes in Categorizing Extreme Labor Exploitation. Presented at 78th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, Chicago, Illinois, USA

Prototypes have long been acknowledged as playing a critical role in the emergence and consolidation of new organizational and market categories. However, the precise forms, characteristics, and effects of prototypes in the categorization process rem... Read More about Modern Slavery: The Role of Prototypes in Categorizing Extreme Labor Exploitation.