Strategy for tumor selective disruption of androgen receptor function in the spectrum of prostate cancer
Journal Article
Rosati, R., Polin, L. A., Ducker, C., Li, J., Bao, X., Selvakumar, D., Kim, S., Xhabija, B., Larsen, M., McFall, T., Huang, Y., Kidder, B. L., Fribley, A., Saxton, J., Kakuta, H., Shaw, P. E., & Ratnam, M. (2018). Strategy for tumor selective disruption of androgen receptor function in the spectrum of prostate cancer. Clinical Cancer Research,
Purpose: Testosterone suppression in prostate cancer (PC) is limited by serious side effects and resistance via restoration of androgen receptor (AR) functionality. ELK1 is required for ARdependent growth in various hormone-dependent and castration r... Read More about Strategy for tumor selective disruption of androgen receptor function in the spectrum of prostate cancer.