Making science public: challenges and opportunities
Raman, S., Nerlich, B., Cartelet, C., de Saille, S., Hadley Kershaw, E., Hartley, S., Hobson-West, P., Holmwood, J., Lowndes, V., Madziva, R., Martin, P., McLeod, C., Millar, K., Mohr, A., Morris, C., Pearce, W., Seymour, S., Smith, A., Spencer, A., & Tsouvalis, J. (2019). Making science public: challenges and opportunities. Leverhulme Trust
This Programme investigated the relationship between science, politics and publics in the aftermath of an influential 2000 UK House of Lords Science and Society report. We conceptualised top-down initiatives promising greater transparency around the... Read More about Making science public: challenges and opportunities.