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All Outputs (15)

Performance and limits of a geotechnical centrifuge: DEM-LBM simulations of saturated granular column collapse (2024)
Journal Article
Webb, W., Turnbull, B., & Leonardi, A. (2024). Performance and limits of a geotechnical centrifuge: DEM-LBM simulations of saturated granular column collapse. Granular Matter, 26(2), Article 32.

This study investigates the dynamics of granular flows in geotechnical centrifuge models, focusing on the effects of centrifugal and Coriolis accelerations. While conventional laboratory-scale investigations often rely on Froude scaling, geotechnical... Read More about Performance and limits of a geotechnical centrifuge: DEM-LBM simulations of saturated granular column collapse.

Continuum modelling of a just-saturated inertial column collapse: capturing fluid-particle interaction (2024)
Journal Article
Webb, W., Turnbull, B., & Johnson, C. (2024). Continuum modelling of a just-saturated inertial column collapse: capturing fluid-particle interaction. Granular Matter, 26(1), Article 21.

This work presents a simple two-phase flow model to analyse a series of axisymmetric granular column collapse tests conducted under elevated gravitational accelerations. These columns were prepared with a just-saturated condition, where the granular... Read More about Continuum modelling of a just-saturated inertial column collapse: capturing fluid-particle interaction.

Fines-controlled drainage in just-saturated, inertial column collapses (2023)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Webb, W., Heron, C., & Turnbull, B. Fines-controlled drainage in just-saturated, inertial column collapses. Presented at 8th International Conference on Debris Flow Hazard Mitigation, Turin, Italy

The wide particle size distributions, over several orders of magnitude, observed in debris flows leads to a diverse range of rheological behaviours controlling flow outcomes. This study explores the influence of different scale grains by conducting s... Read More about Fines-controlled drainage in just-saturated, inertial column collapses.

Inertial effects in just-saturated axisymmetric column collapses (2023)
Journal Article
Webb, W., Heron, C., & Turnbull, B. (2023). Inertial effects in just-saturated axisymmetric column collapses. Granular Matter, 25(2), Article 40.

This work introduces a scaling analysis of sub-aerial axisymmetric column collapses of glass beads and Newtonian glycerol-water solutions mimicking some of the behaviours of debris flows. The beads were in a size range where their inertia partly deco... Read More about Inertial effects in just-saturated axisymmetric column collapses.

Grain Reynolds number scale effects in dry granular slides (2020)
Journal Article
Kesseler, M., Heller, V., & Turnbull, B. (2020). Grain Reynolds number scale effects in dry granular slides. Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface, 125(1), Article e2019JF005347.

©2020. The Authors. Scale effects are differences in physical behavior that manifest between a large event and a geometrically scaled laboratory model and may cause misleading predictions. This study focuses on scale effects in granular slides, impor... Read More about Grain Reynolds number scale effects in dry granular slides.

An industry-inspired civil engineering curriculum (2019)
Journal Article
Turnbull, B. (2020). An industry-inspired civil engineering curriculum. Proceedings of the ICE - Civil Engineering, 173(2), 91-95.

This article describes the design of an undergraduate civil engineering curriculum that uses industry approaches to personal professional development and problem-based learning to educate the graduates that industry needs. The new curriculum is struc... Read More about An industry-inspired civil engineering curriculum.

A laboratory-numerical approach for modelling scale effects in dry granular slides (2018)
Journal Article
Kesseler, M., Heller, V., & Turnbull, B. (2018). A laboratory-numerical approach for modelling scale effects in dry granular slides. Landslides, 15(11), 2145–2159.

Granular slides are omnipresent in both natural and industrial contexts. Scale effects are changes in physical behaviour of a phenomenon at different geometric scales, such as between a laboratory experiment and a corresponding larger event observed... Read More about A laboratory-numerical approach for modelling scale effects in dry granular slides.

Development and evaluation of poly(dimethylsiloxane) based composite coatings for icephobic applications (2018)
Journal Article
Liu, J., Wang, J., Mazzola, L., Memon, H., Barman, T., Turnbull, B., Mingione, G., Choi, K.-S., & Hou, X. (2018). Development and evaluation of poly(dimethylsiloxane) based composite coatings for icephobic applications. Surface and Coatings Technology, 349,

Formation and accretion of ice on the leading edge surface of aircrafts wings may lead to disasters. The current de-icing system for aircraft will build up weight, increase energy consumption and add complexity to the aircraft systems. Development of... Read More about Development and evaluation of poly(dimethylsiloxane) based composite coatings for icephobic applications.

Looking beyond the powder/dense flow avalanche dichotomy (2018)
Journal Article
Faug, T., Turnbull, B., & Gauer, P. (2018). Looking beyond the powder/dense flow avalanche dichotomy. Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface, 123(6),

Köhler et al. (2018) deploy a high spatial and temporal resolution GEODAR radar system to reveal the inside of snow avalanches over the entire slope. They detect a rich variety of longitudinal and slope normal flow structures across a data set of 77... Read More about Looking beyond the powder/dense flow avalanche dichotomy.

Mixed ice accretion on aircraft wings (2018)
Journal Article
Janjua, Z. A., Turnbull, B., Hibberd, S., & Choi, K.-S. (in press). Mixed ice accretion on aircraft wings. Physics of Fluids, 30(2),

Ice accretion is a problematic natural phenomenon that an effects a wide range of engineering applications including power cables, radio masts and wind turbines. Accretion on aircraft wings occurs when supercooled water droplets freeze instantaneousl... Read More about Mixed ice accretion on aircraft wings.

Identification of particle-laden flow features from wavelet decomposition (2017)
Journal Article
Jackson, A. M., & Turnbull, B. (2017). Identification of particle-laden flow features from wavelet decomposition. Physica D: Nonlinear Phenomena, 361,

A wavelet decomposition based technique is applied to air pressure data obtained from laboratory-scale powder snow avalanches. This technique is shown to be a powerful tool for identifying both repeatable and chaotic features at any frequency within... Read More about Identification of particle-laden flow features from wavelet decomposition.

Performance and durability tests of smart icephobic coatings to reduce ice adhesion (2017)
Journal Article
Janjua, Z. A., Turnbull, B., Choy, K.-L., Pandis, C., Liu, J., Hou, X., & Choi, K.-S. (2017). Performance and durability tests of smart icephobic coatings to reduce ice adhesion. Applied Surface Science, 407,

The accretion of ice can damage applications ranging from power lines and shipping decks; to wind turbines and rail infrastructure. In particular on aircraft, it can change aerodynamic characteristics, greatly affecting the flight safety. Commercial... Read More about Performance and durability tests of smart icephobic coatings to reduce ice adhesion.

Super-hydrophobic/icephobic coatings based on silica nanoparticles modified by self-assembled monolayers (2016)
Journal Article
Liu, J., Janjua, Z. A., Roe, M., Xu, F., Turnbull, B., Choi, K.-S., & Hou, X. (2016). Super-hydrophobic/icephobic coatings based on silica nanoparticles modified by self-assembled monolayers. Nanomaterials, 6(12), Article 232.

A super-hydrophobic surface has been obtained from nanocomposite materials based on silica nanoparticles and self-assembled monolayers of 1H,1H,2H,2H-perfluorooctyltriethoxysilane (POTS) using spin coating and chemical vapor deposition methods. Scann... Read More about Super-hydrophobic/icephobic coatings based on silica nanoparticles modified by self-assembled monolayers.

Ice as a granular material (2016)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Turnbull, B., Swift, M., & Hill, R. (2016, August). Ice as a granular material. Presented at 24th International Congress of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics

Ice is a unique material, fundamental to vital processes on earth, in the atmosphere [1] and as planets and comets form [2]. In this work, we introduce two experiments investigating ice as a granular material, to provide snippets of insight into thos... Read More about Ice as a granular material.

Debris flows: experiments and modelling (2014)
Journal Article
Turnbull, B., Bowman, E. T., & McElwaine, J. N. (2015). Debris flows: experiments and modelling. Comptes Rendus Physique, 16(1), 86-96.

Debris flows and debris avalanches are complex, gravity-driven currents of rock, water and sediments that can be highly mobile. This combination of component materials leads to a rich morphology and unusual dynamics, exhibiting features of both granu... Read More about Debris flows: experiments and modelling.