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Viscosity profiles of phosphate glasses through combined quasi-static and bob-in-cup methods (2014)
Journal Article
PARSONS, A., SHARMIN, N., SHAHARUDDIN, S., & MARSHALL, M. (2015). Viscosity profiles of phosphate glasses through combined quasi-static and bob-in-cup methods. Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids, 408, 76-86.

This study used a combined viscosity approach to determine theoretical fibre drawing points for glasses in the series: xP2O5, 24MgO, 16CaO, (60-x)Na2O (x = 40,45,50,55) and yP2O5, 24MgO, 16CaO, (55-y)Na2O, 5Fe2O3 (y = 40,45,50,55). The points cannot... Read More about Viscosity profiles of phosphate glasses through combined quasi-static and bob-in-cup methods.

Mechanical, degradation and cytocompatibility properties of magnesium coated phosphate glass fibre reinforced polycaprolactone composites (2014)
Journal Article
Liu, X., Hasan, M. S., Grant, D. M., Harper, L. T., Parsons, A. J., Palmer, G., Rudd, C. D., & Ahmed, I. (2014). Mechanical, degradation and cytocompatibility properties of magnesium coated phosphate glass fibre reinforced polycaprolactone composites. Journal of Biomaterials Applications, 29(5),

Retention of mechanical properties of phosphate glass fibre reinforced degradable polyesters such as polycaprolactone and polylactic acid in aqueous media has been shown to be strongly influenced by the integrity of the fibre/polymer interface. A pre... Read More about Mechanical, degradation and cytocompatibility properties of magnesium coated phosphate glass fibre reinforced polycaprolactone composites.

Effect of boron oxide addition on fibre drawing, mechanical properties and dissolution behaviour of phosphate-based glass fibres with fixed 40, 45 and 50 mol% P2O5 (2014)
Journal Article
Sharmin, N., Parsons, A. J., Rudd, C. D., & Ahmed, I. (2014). Effect of boron oxide addition on fibre drawing, mechanical properties and dissolution behaviour of phosphate-based glass fibres with fixed 40, 45 and 50 mol% P2O5. Journal of Biomaterials Applications, 29(5), 639-653.

© The Author(s) 2014. Previous studies investigating manufacture of phosphate-based glass fibres from glasses fixed with P2O5 content less than 50 mol% showed that continuous manufacture without breakage was very difficult. In this study, nine phosph... Read More about Effect of boron oxide addition on fibre drawing, mechanical properties and dissolution behaviour of phosphate-based glass fibres with fixed 40, 45 and 50 mol% P2O5.