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All Outputs (11)

Roman Palmyra as a hub of trade and commerce. Material, epigraphic and numismatic evidence (2024)
Book Chapter
Kropp, A. (2025). Roman Palmyra as a hub of trade and commerce. Material, epigraphic and numismatic evidence. In Reimagining the Silk Roads: Interactions and Perceptions Across Eurasia (65-78). Routledge.

Under Roman hegemony over the Near East, the oasis city of Palmyra in the Syrian desert rose quickly from obscurity to opulence and established itself a ‘caravan’ city, a vital hub for long-distance trade between the Persian Gulf and the Mediterranea... Read More about Roman Palmyra as a hub of trade and commerce. Material, epigraphic and numismatic evidence.

Syria (2024)
Book Chapter
KROPP, A. (2024). Syria. In B. Burrell (Ed.), A Companion to the Archaeology of the Roman Empire. Volume 2 ( 606-631). Wiley

Kingdoms and Principalities (2021)
Book Chapter
Kropp, A. (2022). Kingdoms and Principalities. In T. Kaizer (Ed.), A Companion to the Hellenistic and Roman Near East (365-377). Wiley

The tetradrachm mint of Neapolis (Samaria): new attributions and the end of the phantom mint of Byblos (2021)
Journal Article
Kropp, A. (2021). The tetradrachm mint of Neapolis (Samaria): new attributions and the end of the phantom mint of Byblos. Numismatic Chronicle, 181, 115-127

This article discusses new attributions for three types of Syro-Phoenician tetradrachms of Caracalla, each depicting a different kind of altar as a mint-mark. Generally attributed to Byblos, an obverse die link now suggests that they were made at the... Read More about The tetradrachm mint of Neapolis (Samaria): new attributions and the end of the phantom mint of Byblos.

Tripolis and Orthosia tetradrachms of Caracalla: Attribution and analysis of ‘pilei’ and ‘idol’ tetradrachms (2021)
Journal Article
Kropp, A. (2021). Tripolis and Orthosia tetradrachms of Caracalla: Attribution and analysis of ‘pilei’ and ‘idol’ tetradrachms. Revue Belge de Numismatique et de Sigillographie, 156, 143-189

This article discusses two groups of Syro-Phoenician tetradrachms of Caracalla generally attributed to Ptolemais in Phoenicia, one with mintmarks depicting the caps of the Dioscuri (pilei), the other a local cult image. Based on a close examination o... Read More about Tripolis and Orthosia tetradrachms of Caracalla: Attribution and analysis of ‘pilei’ and ‘idol’ tetradrachms.

A Roman altar on Mount Gerizim: Rediscovering a civic icon on tetradrachms of Neapolis (Samaria) (2021)
Journal Article
Kropp, A. J. M. (2021). A Roman altar on Mount Gerizim: Rediscovering a civic icon on tetradrachms of Neapolis (Samaria). Journal of Roman Archaeology, 34(1), 220-236.

This article examines the iconography of a type of Caracalla tetradrachm that has been newly attributed to Neapolis in Roman Palestine and whose reverse depicts a monumental altar decorated with statues of Tyche, Ephesian Artemis, and Kore Persephone... Read More about A Roman altar on Mount Gerizim: Rediscovering a civic icon on tetradrachms of Neapolis (Samaria).

The Aphrodite of Emesa: miniature marble sculpture and religious life in Roman Syria (2016)
Journal Article
Kropp, A. (2016). The Aphrodite of Emesa: miniature marble sculpture and religious life in Roman Syria. Journal of Roman Archaeology, 29, 193-222.

The sculpture of Roman Syria is a mighty tree with roots so deep and branches so far-flung that they have defied all attempts at systematic and comprehensive study. This article deals with one of these branches of artistic traditions, a series of unu... Read More about The Aphrodite of Emesa: miniature marble sculpture and religious life in Roman Syria.

The Tyche of Berytus: a Phoenician goddess on civic coinage. (2015)
Journal Article
Kropp, A. (2015). The Tyche of Berytus: a Phoenician goddess on civic coinage.

This contribution deals with images of Tyche on the civic bronze coinage of the Roman colony of Berytus (Beirut). The visual type of this local patron goddess, a hybrid composition drawing on a variety of iconographic sources, was created in the late... Read More about The Tyche of Berytus: a Phoenician goddess on civic coinage..

The Palmyra Portrait Project (2014)
Journal Article
Kropp, A., & Raja, R. (2014). The Palmyra Portrait Project. Syria. Archéologie, art et histoire, 91,