Planck 2015 results. IV. Low Frequency Instrument beams and window functions
Journal Article
Ade, P., Aghanim, N., Ashdown, M., Aumont, J., Baccigalupi, C., Banday, A., Barreiro, R., Bartolo, N., Battaner, E., Benabed, K., Benoît, A., Benoit-Lévy, A., Bernard, J.-P., Bersanelli, M., Bielewicz, P., Bock, J., Bonaldi, A., Bonavera, L., Bond, J., Borrill, J., …Zonca, A. (2016). Planck 2015 results. IV. Low Frequency Instrument beams and window functions. Astronomy and Astrophysics, 594, Article A4.
This paper presents the characterization of the in-flight beams, the beam window functions, and the associated uncertainties for the Planck Low Frequency Instrument (LFI). The structure of the paper is similar to that presented in the 2013 Planck rel... Read More about Planck 2015 results. IV. Low Frequency Instrument beams and window functions.