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Requirement of CHROMOMETHYLASE3 for somatic inheritance of the spontaneous tomato epimutation Colourless non-ripening

Chen, Weiwei; Kong, Junhua; Qin, Cheng; Yu, Sheng; Tan, Jinjuan; Chen, Yun-ru; Wu, Chaoqun; Wang, Hui; Shi, Yan; Li, Chunyang; Li, Bin; Zhang, Pengcheng; Wang, Ying; Lai, Tongfei; Yu, Zhiming; Zhang, Xian; Shi, Nongnong; Wang, Huizhong; Osman, Toba; Liu, Yule; Manning, Kenneth; Jackson, Stephen; Rolin, Dominique; Zhong, Silin; Seymour, Graham B.; Gallusci, Philippe; Hong, Yiguo

Requirement of CHROMOMETHYLASE3 for somatic inheritance of the spontaneous tomato epimutation Colourless non-ripening Thumbnail


Weiwei Chen

Junhua Kong

Cheng Qin

Sheng Yu

Jinjuan Tan

Yun-ru Chen

Chaoqun Wu

Hui Wang

Yan Shi

Chunyang Li

Bin Li

Pengcheng Zhang

Ying Wang

Tongfei Lai

Zhiming Yu

Xian Zhang

Nongnong Shi

Huizhong Wang

Toba Osman

Yule Liu

Kenneth Manning

Stephen Jackson

Dominique Rolin

Silin Zhong

Graham B. Seymour

Philippe Gallusci

Yiguo Hong


Naturally-occurring epimutants are rare and have mainly been described in plants. However how these mutants maintain their epigenetic marks and how they are inherited remain unknown. Here we report that CHROMOMETHYLASE3 (SlCMT3) and other methyltransferases are required for maintenance of a spontaneous epimutation and its cognate Colourless non-ripening (Cnr) phenotype in tomato. We screened a series of DNA methylation-related genes that could rescue the hypermethylated Cnr mutant. Silencing of the developmentally-regulated SlCMT3 gene results in increased expression of LeSPL-CNR, the gene encodes the SBP-box transcription factor residing at the Cnr locus and triggers Cnr fruits to ripen normally. Expression of other key ripening-genes was also up-regulated. Targeted and whole-genome bisulfite sequencing showed that the induced ripening of Cnr fruits is associated with reduction of methylation at CHG sites in a 286-bp region of the LeSPL-CNR promoter, and a decrease of DNA methylation in differentially-methylated regions associated with the LeMADS-RIN binding sites. Our results indicate that there is likely a concerted effect of different ethyltransferases at the Cnr locus and the plant-specific SlCMT3 is essential for sustaining Cnr epi-allele. Maintenance of DNA methylation dynamics is critical for the somatic stability of Cnr epimutation and for the inheritance of tomato non-ripening phenotype.


Chen, W., Kong, J., Qin, C., Yu, S., Tan, J., Chen, Y.-R., …Hong, Y. (2015). Requirement of CHROMOMETHYLASE3 for somatic inheritance of the spontaneous tomato epimutation Colourless non-ripening. Scientific Reports, 5, Article 9192.

Journal Article Type Article
Acceptance Date Feb 23, 2015
Online Publication Date Mar 17, 2015
Publication Date Mar 17, 2015
Deposit Date Mar 20, 2015
Publicly Available Date Mar 20, 2015
Journal Scientific Reports
Electronic ISSN 2045-2322
Publisher Nature Publishing Group
Peer Reviewed Peer Reviewed
Volume 5
Article Number 9192
Public URL
Publisher URL
Contract Date Mar 20, 2015


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