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Digital image analysis of testicular and prostatic ultrasonographic echogencity and heterogeneity in dogs and the relation to semen quality

Moxon, Rachel; Bright, Lucy; Pritchard, Beth; Bowen, I. Mark; Souza, M�rley Barbosa de; Silva, L�cia Daniel Machado da; England, Gary C.W.

Digital image analysis of testicular and prostatic ultrasonographic echogencity and heterogeneity in dogs and the relation to semen quality Thumbnail


Rachel Moxon

Lucy Bright

Beth Pritchard

I. Mark Bowen

M�rley Barbosa de Souza

L�cia Daniel Machado da Silva

Gary C.W. England


A semi-automated ultrasonographic method was developed to measure echogenicity and heterogeneity of the testes and prostate gland and relationships of these measures with semen quality were assessed in 43 fertile dogs. The relationship between animal age and body weight upon the volume of the testes, epididymal tail volume and prostate volume were also established.

Mean testicular echogenicity was negatively correlated with the percentage of morphologically normal live spermatozoa (more echogenic testes were associated with fewer normal sperm) but not with any other semen quality measure. Mean testicular heterogeneity was positively correlated with the total spermatozoal output (more heterogenous testes, being those with anechoic parenchyma and prominent echogenic stippling, were associated with greater sperm output) but not with any other semen quality measure. There was no relationship between either mean prostatic echogenicity or mean prostatic heterogeneity and any semen quality measure.

There was no relationship between age and any testicular or prostatic parameter; however bodyweight was significantly correlated with total testicular volume, total epididymal tail volume and total prostatic volume.

Testicular and prostatic ultrasonographic echogenicity and heterogeneity can be objectively assessed using digital image analysis and testicular echogenicity and heterogeneity may be useful adjunct measurements in a breeding soundness examination.


Moxon, R., Bright, L., Pritchard, B., Bowen, I. M., Souza, M. B. D., Silva, L. D. M. D., & England, G. C. (2015). Digital image analysis of testicular and prostatic ultrasonographic echogencity and heterogeneity in dogs and the relation to semen quality. Animal Reproduction Science, 160,

Journal Article Type Article
Acceptance Date Jul 31, 2015
Online Publication Date Aug 5, 2015
Publication Date Sep 1, 2015
Deposit Date Nov 23, 2016
Publicly Available Date Nov 23, 2016
Journal Animal Reproduction Science
Print ISSN 0378-4320
Electronic ISSN 1873-2232
Publisher Elsevier
Peer Reviewed Peer Reviewed
Volume 160
Keywords Canine; Testes; Prostate; Semen quality; Ultrasound
Public URL
Publisher URL
Contract Date Nov 23, 2016


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