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A Multimodal Imaging Approach Enables In Vivo Assessment of Antifungal Treatment in a Mouse Model of Invasive Pulmonary Aspergillosis

Poelmans, Jennifer; Himmelreich, Uwe; Vanherp, Liesbeth; Zhai, Luca; Hillen, Amy; Holvoet, Bryan; Belderbos, Sarah; Brock, Matthias; Maertens, Johan; Velde, Greetje Vande; Lagrou, Katrien

A Multimodal Imaging Approach Enables                    In Vivo                    Assessment of Antifungal Treatment in a Mouse Model of Invasive Pulmonary Aspergillosis Thumbnail


Jennifer Poelmans

Uwe Himmelreich

Liesbeth Vanherp

Luca Zhai

Amy Hillen

Bryan Holvoet

Sarah Belderbos

Johan Maertens

Greetje Vande Velde

Katrien Lagrou


Aspergillus fumigatus causes life-threatening lung infections in immunocompromised patients. Mouse models are extensively used in research to assess the in vivo efficacy of antifungals. In recent years, there has been an increasing interest in the use of non-invasive imaging techniques to evaluate experimental infections. However, single imaging modalities have limitations concerning the type of information they can provide. In this study, magnetic resonance imaging and bioluminescence imaging were combined to obtain longitudinal information on the extent of developing lesions and fungal load in a leucopenic mouse model of IPA. This multimodal imaging approach was used to assess changes occurring within lungs of infected mice receiving voriconazole treatment starting at different time points after infection. Results showed that IPA development depends on the inoculum size used to infect animals and that disease can be successfully prevented or treated by initiating intervention during early stages of infection. Furthermore, we demonstrated that reduction of the fungal load is not necessarily associated with the disappearance of lesions on anatomical lung images, especially when antifungal treatment coincides with immune recovery. In conclusion, multimodal imaging allows to investigate different aspects of disease progression or recovery by providing complementary information on dynamic processes, which are highly useful for assessing the efficacy of (novel) therapeutic compounds in a time- and labor-efficient manner.


Poelmans, J., Himmelreich, U., Vanherp, L., Zhai, L., Hillen, A., Holvoet, B., Belderbos, S., Brock, M., Maertens, J., Velde, G. V., & Lagrou, K. (2018). A Multimodal Imaging Approach Enables In Vivo Assessment of Antifungal Treatment in a Mouse Model of Invasive Pulmonary Aspergillosis. Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy, 62(7), Article AAC.00240-18.

Journal Article Type Article
Acceptance Date May 6, 2018
Online Publication Date Jun 26, 2018
Publication Date 2018-07
Deposit Date Jun 13, 2018
Publicly Available Date Dec 27, 2018
Journal Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy
Print ISSN 0066-4804
Electronic ISSN 1098-6596
Publisher American Society for Microbiology
Peer Reviewed Peer Reviewed
Volume 62
Issue 7
Article Number AAC.00240-18
Public URL
Publisher URL
Contract Date Jun 13, 2018


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