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Loss of the nuclear pool of ubiquitin ligase CHIP/STUB1 in breast cancer unleashes the MZF1-cathepsin pro-oncogenic program

Luan, Haitao; Mohapatra, Bhopal C.; Bielecki, Timothy A.; Mushtaq, Insha; Mirza, Sameer; Jennings, Tameka A.; Clubb, Robert J.; An, Wei; Ahmed, Dena; El Ansari, Rokaya; Storck, Matthew D.; Mishra, Nitish K.; Guda, Chittibabu; Sheinin, Yuri; Meza, Jane L.; Raja, Srikumar M.; Rakha, Emad; Band, Vimla; Band, Hamid

Loss of the nuclear pool of ubiquitin ligase CHIP/STUB1 in breast cancer unleashes the MZF1-cathepsin pro-oncogenic program Thumbnail


Haitao Luan

Bhopal C. Mohapatra

Timothy A. Bielecki

Insha Mushtaq

Sameer Mirza

Tameka A. Jennings

Robert J. Clubb

Wei An

Dena Ahmed

Rokaya El Ansari

Matthew D. Storck

Nitish K. Mishra

Chittibabu Guda

Yuri Sheinin

Jane L. Meza

Srikumar M. Raja

Vimla Band

Hamid Band


CHIP/STUB1 ubiquitin ligase is a negative co-chaperone for HSP90/HSC70, and its expression is reduced or lost in several cancers, including breast cancer. Using an extensive and well-annotated breast cancer tissue collection, we identified the loss of nuclear but not cytoplasmic CHIP to predict more aggressive tumorigenesis and shorter patient survival, with loss of CHIP in two-thirds of ErbB2+ and triple-negative breast cancers and in one-third of ER+ breast cancers. Reduced CHIP expression was seen in breast cancer patient-derived xenograft tumors and in ErbB2+ and triple-negative breast cancer cell lines. Ectopic CHIP expression in ErbB2+ lines suppressed in vitro oncogenic traits and in vivo xenograft tumor growth. An unbiased screen for CHIP-regulated nuclear transcription factors identified many candidates whose DNA-binding activity was up-or down-regulated by CHIP. We characterized Myeloid Zinc Finger 1 (MZF1) as a CHIP target given its recently identified role as a positive regulator of cathepsin B/L (CTSB/L)-mediated tumor cell invasion downstream of ErbB2. We show that CHIP negatively regulates CTSB/L expression in ErbB2+ and other breast cancer cell lines. CTSB inhibition abrogates invasion and matrix degradation in vitro and halts ErbB2+ breast cancer cell line xenograft growth. We conclude that loss of CHIP remodels the cellular transcriptome to unleash critical pro-oncogenic pathways, such as the matrix-degrading enzymes of the cathepsin family, whose components can provide new therapeutic opportunities in breast and other cancers with loss of CHIP expression.


Luan, H., Mohapatra, B. C., Bielecki, T. A., Mushtaq, I., Mirza, S., Jennings, T. A., Clubb, R. J., An, W., Ahmed, D., El Ansari, R., Storck, M. D., Mishra, N. K., Guda, C., Sheinin, Y., Meza, J. L., Raja, S. M., Rakha, E., Band, V., & Band, H. (2018). Loss of the nuclear pool of ubiquitin ligase CHIP/STUB1 in breast cancer unleashes the MZF1-cathepsin pro-oncogenic program. Cancer Research, 78(10), 2524-2535.

Journal Article Type Article
Acceptance Date Feb 15, 2018
Online Publication Date Mar 6, 2018
Publication Date May 15, 2018
Deposit Date Feb 27, 2018
Publicly Available Date Mar 7, 2019
Journal Cancer Research
Print ISSN 0008-5472
Electronic ISSN 1538-7445
Publisher American Association for Cancer Research
Peer Reviewed Peer Reviewed
Volume 78
Issue 10
Pages 2524-2535
Keywords CHIP/STUB1, ubiquitin ligase, breast cancer, ErbB2, matrix degradation
Public URL
Publisher URL
Contract Date Feb 27, 2018


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