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The experience of living with patellofemoral pain—loss, confusion and fear-avoidance: a UK qualitative study

Smith, Benjamin E.; Moffatt, Fiona; Hendrick, Paul; Bateman, Marcus; Rathleff, Michael Skovdal; Selfe, James; Smith, Toby O.; Logan, Pip

The experience of living with patellofemoral pain—loss, confusion and fear-avoidance: a UK qualitative study Thumbnail


Benjamin E. Smith

Fiona Moffatt

Paul Hendrick

Marcus Bateman

Michael Skovdal Rathleff

James Selfe

Toby O. Smith

Professor of Rehabilitation Research


To investigate the experience of living with patellofemoral pain.

Qualitative study design using semi-structured interviews, and analysed thematically using the guidelines set out by Braun and Clarke.

A National Health Service (NHS) physiotherapy clinic within a large UK teaching hospital.


A convenience sample of ten participants, aged between 18 and 40, with a diagnosis of patellofemoral pain and on a physiotherapy waiting list, prior to starting physiotherapy.


Participants offered rich and detailed accounts of the impact and lived experience of patellofemoral pain, including: loss of physical and functional ability; loss of self - identity; pain related confusion and difficulty making sense of their pain ; pain related fear, including fear -avoidance and ‘damage’ beliefs; inappropriate coping strategies and fear of the future. The five major themes that emerged from the data were: (1) impact on self; (2) uncertainty, confusion and sense making; (3) exercise and activity beliefs; (4) behavioural coping strategies and (5) expectations of the future.


These findings offer an insight into the lived experience of individuals with patellofemoral pain. Previous literature ha s focused on pain and biomechanics, rather than the individual experience, attached meanings and any wider context within a sociocultural perspective. Our findings suggest future research is warranted into biopsychosocial targeted interventions aimed at the beliefs and pain related fear for people with patellofemoral pain. The current consensus that best - evidence treatments consisting of hip and knee strengthening may not be adequate to address the fears and beliefs identified in the current study. Further qualitative research may be warranted on the impact and interpretation of medical terminology commonly used with this patient group, for example, ‘weakness’ and ‘patellar mal-tracking’ and its impact and interpretation by patients.

Journal Article Type Article
Acceptance Date Dec 1, 2017
Online Publication Date Jan 23, 2018
Publication Date Jan 23, 2018
Deposit Date Dec 5, 2017
Publicly Available Date Jan 23, 2018
Journal BMJ Open
Electronic ISSN 2044-6055
Publisher BMJ Publishing Group
Peer Reviewed Peer Reviewed
Volume 8
Issue 1
Article Number e018624
Public URL
Publisher URL


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