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Geometrical structure of two-dimensional crystals with non-constant dislocation density

Parry, Gareth P.; Zyskin, Maxim

Geometrical structure of two-dimensional crystals with non-constant dislocation density Thumbnail


Gareth P. Parry

Maxim Zyskin


We outline mathematical methods which seem to be necessary in order to discuss crystal structures with non-constant dislocation density tensor(ddt) in some generality. It is known that, if the ddt is constant (in space), then material points can be identified with elements of a certain Lie group, with group operation determined in terms of the ddt - the dimension of the Lie group equals that of the ambient space in which the body resides, in that case. When the ddt is non-constant, there is also a relevant Lie group (given technical assumptions), but the dimension of the group is strictly greater than that of the ambient space. The group acts on the set of material points, and there is a non-trivial isotropy group associated with the group action. We introduce and discuss the requisite mathematical apparatus in the context of Davini's model of defective crystals, and focus on a particular case where the ddt is such that a three dimensional Lie group acts on a two dimensional crystal state - this allows us to construct corresponding discrete structures too.


Parry, G. P., & Zyskin, M. (in press). Geometrical structure of two-dimensional crystals with non-constant dislocation density. Journal of Elasticity, 127(2),

Journal Article Type Article
Acceptance Date Nov 18, 2016
Online Publication Date Dec 7, 2016
Deposit Date Jul 27, 2016
Publicly Available Date Dec 7, 2016
Journal Journal of Elasticity
Print ISSN 0374-3535
Electronic ISSN 1573-2681
Publisher Springer Verlag
Peer Reviewed Peer Reviewed
Volume 127
Issue 2
Keywords Crystals, Defects, Lie groups
Public URL
Publisher URL
Additional Information The final publication is available at Springer via
Contract Date Jul 27, 2016


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