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Reliability and responsiveness of measures of pain in people with osteoarthritis of the knee: a psychometric evaluation

Turner, Katie V.; Moreton, Bryan M.; Walsh, David A.; Lincoln, Nadina

Reliability and responsiveness of measures of pain in people with osteoarthritis of the knee: a psychometric evaluation Thumbnail


Katie V. Turner

Bryan M. Moreton

Nadina Lincoln


PURPOSE: To examine the fit between data from the Short Form McGill Pain Questionnaire (SF-MPQ-2) and the Rasch model, and to explore the reliability and internal responsiveness of measures of pain in people with knee osteoarthritis.
METHODS: Participants with knee osteoarthritis completed the SF-MPQ-2, Intermittent and Constant Osteoarthritis Pain questionnaire (ICOAP) and painDETECT. Participants were sent the same questionnaires 3 and 6 months later.
RESULTS: Fit to the Rasch model was not achieved for the SF-MPQ-2 Total scale. The Continuous subscale yielded adequate fit statistics after splitting item 10 on uniform DIF for gender, and removing item 9. The Intermittent subscale fit the Rasch model after rescoring items. The Neuropathic subscale had relatively good fit to the model. Test-retest reliability was satisfactory for most scales using both original and Rasch scoring ranging from fair to substantial. Effect sizes ranged from 0.13 to 1.79 indicating good internal responsiveness for most scales.
CONCLUSIONS: These findings support the use of ICOAP subscales as reliable and responsive measure of pain in people with knee osteoarthritis. The MPQ-SF-2 subscales found to be acceptable alternatives. Implications for Rehabilitation The McGill Pain Questionnaire short version 2 is not a unidimensional scale in people with knee osteoarthritis, whereas three of the subscales are unidimensional. The McGill Pain Questionnaire short version 2 Affective subscale does not have good measurement properties for people with knee osteoarthritis. The McGill Pain Questionnaire short version 2 and the Intermittent and Constant Osteoarthritis Pain scales can be used to assess change over time. The painDETECT performs better as a screening measure than as an outcome measure.


Turner, K. V., Moreton, B. M., Walsh, D. A., & Lincoln, N. (2017). Reliability and responsiveness of measures of pain in people with osteoarthritis of the knee: a psychometric evaluation. Disability and Rehabilitation, 39(8),

Journal Article Type Article
Acceptance Date Mar 1, 2016
Online Publication Date Mar 30, 2016
Publication Date Jan 1, 2017
Deposit Date Mar 14, 2017
Publicly Available Date Mar 14, 2017
Journal Disability and Rehabilitation
Print ISSN 0963-8288
Electronic ISSN 1464-5165
Publisher Taylor and Francis
Peer Reviewed Peer Reviewed
Volume 39
Issue 8
Keywords ICOAP, McGill pain questionnaire, Rasch, test–retest
Public URL
Publisher URL
Contract Date Mar 14, 2017


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