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Integrating academic, professional and personal learning through multicultural group work

Bridges, Stephanie

Integrating academic, professional and personal learning through multicultural group work Thumbnail



Multicultural group work is an element of pedagogy which presents rich opportunities for helping students function more effectively within the intercultural contexts of their worlds. Drawing on theories of cosmopolitanism and the ‘capability approach’, this action research project aims to evaluate and enhance the role of multicultural group working to promote not only academic learning, but simultaneously to act as a platform upon which students can explore and develop more cosmopolitan-aware professional and personal selves. Semi-structured interviews with 17 pharmacy undergraduates identified four main themes which helped to explain the benefits of learning in diverse groups, which provided opportunity for students to integrate their subject knowledge with greater understanding of others and their situations, and a re-evaluation of their own knowledge and perspectives. Based on findings, changes will be implemented in the first year of the course, with follow-up evaluation to inform further review and potential changes throughout the course.


Bridges, S. (2016, December). Integrating academic, professional and personal learning through multicultural group work. Paper presented at Exploring freedom and control in global higher education: SHRE Annual Research Conference, Newport, South Wales

Presentation Conference Type Conference Paper (unpublished)
Conference Name Exploring freedom and control in global higher education: SHRE Annual Research Conference
Start Date Dec 7, 2016
End Date Dec 9, 2016
Deposit Date Sep 15, 2017
Peer Reviewed Peer Reviewed
Public URL
Contract Date Sep 15, 2017


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