A. David Edwards
The Developing Human Connectome Project Neonatal Data Release
Edwards, A. David; Rueckert, Daniel; Smith, Stephen M; Seada, Sami Abo; Alansary, Amir; Almalbis, Jenie; Allsop, Joanna M; Arichi, Tomoki; Andersson, Jesper; Arulkumaran, Sophie; Bastiani, Matteo; Batalle, Dafnis; Baxter, Luke; Bozek, Jelena; Braithwaite, Eleanor; Brandon, Jacqueline; Carney, Olivia; Chew, Andrew; Christiaens, Daan; Chung, Raymond; Colford, Kathleen; Cordero-Grande, Lucilio; Counsell, Serena J; Cullen, Harriet; Cupitt, John; Curtis, Charles; Davison, Alice; Deprez, Maria; Dillon, Louise; Dimitrakapoulou, Konstantina; Dimitrova, Rali; Duff, Eugene; Falconer, Shona; Farahibozorgwe, Revzan; Fitzgibbon, Sean; Gao, Jianliang; Gaspar, Andreia S; Harper, Nicholas; Harrison, Samuel J; Hughes, Emer J; Hutter, Jana; Jenkinson, Mark; Jbabdi, Saad; Jones, Emily; Karolis, Vyacheslav; Kyriakopoulou, Vanessa; Lenz, Gregor; Makropoulos, Antonis; Malik, Shaihan; Mason, Luke; Mortari, Filippo; Nosarti, Chiara; Nunes, Rita G; O'Keefe, Camilla; O'Muircheartaigh, Jonathan; Patel, Hamel; Pa...
Daniel Rueckert
Stephen M Smith
Sami Abo Seada
Amir Alansary
Jenie Almalbis
Joanna M Allsop
Tomoki Arichi
Jesper Andersson
Sophie Arulkumaran
Matteo Bastiani
Dafnis Batalle
Luke Baxter
Jelena Bozek
Eleanor Braithwaite
Jacqueline Brandon
Olivia Carney
Andrew Chew
Daan Christiaens
Raymond Chung
Kathleen Colford
Lucilio Cordero-Grande
Serena J Counsell
Harriet Cullen
John Cupitt
Charles Curtis
Alice Davison
Maria Deprez
Louise Dillon
Konstantina Dimitrakapoulou
Rali Dimitrova
Eugene Duff
Shona Falconer
Revzan Farahibozorgwe
Sean Fitzgibbon
Jianliang Gao
Andreia S Gaspar
Nicholas Harper
Samuel J Harrison
Emer J Hughes
Jana Hutter
Mark Jenkinson
Saad Jbabdi
Emily Jones
Vyacheslav Karolis
Vanessa Kyriakopoulou
Gregor Lenz
Antonis Makropoulos
Shaihan Malik
Luke Mason
Filippo Mortari
Chiara Nosarti
Rita G Nunes
Camilla O'Keefe
Jonathan O'Muircheartaigh
Hamel Patel
Jonathan Passerat-Palmbach
Maximillian Pietsch
Anthony N Price
Emma Robinson
Mary A Rutherford
Andreas Schuh
Johannes K Steinweg
Rui P Teixeira
Tencho Tenev
J-Donald Tournier
Nora Tusor
Alena Uus
Katy Vecchiato
Logan Z Williams
Robert Wright
Julia Wurie
Joseph V Hajnal
The Developing Human Connectome Project has created a large open science resource which provides researchers with data for investigating typical and atypical brain development across the perinatal period. It has collected 1228 multimodal magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) brain datasets from 1173 fetal and/or neonatal participants, together with collateral demographic, clinical, family, neurocognitive and genomic data from 1173 participants, together with collateral demographic, clinical, family, neurocognitive and genomic data. All subjects were studied in utero and/or soon after birth on a single MRI scanner using specially developed scanning sequences which included novel motion-tolerant imaging methods. Imaging data are complemented by rich demographic, clinical, neurodevelopmental, and genomic information. The project is now releasing a large set of neonatal data; fetal data will be described and released separately. This release includes scans from 783 infants of whom: 583 were healthy infants born at term; as well as preterm infants; and infants at high risk of atypical neurocognitive development. Many infants were imaged more than once to provide longitudinal data, and the total number of datasets being released is 887. We now describe the dHCP image acquisition and processing protocols, summarize the available imaging and collateral data, and provide information on how the data can be accessed.
Edwards, A. D., Rueckert, D., Smith, S. M., Seada, S. A., Alansary, A., Almalbis, J., Allsop, J. M., Arichi, T., Andersson, J., Arulkumaran, S., Bastiani, M., Batalle, D., Baxter, L., Bozek, J., Braithwaite, E., Brandon, J., Carney, O., Chew, A., Christiaens, D., Chung, R., …Hajnal, J. V. (2022). The Developing Human Connectome Project Neonatal Data Release. Frontiers in Neuroscience, 16, Article 886772. https://doi.org/10.3389/fnins.2022.886772
Journal Article Type | Article |
Acceptance Date | Apr 19, 2022 |
Online Publication Date | May 23, 2022 |
Publication Date | May 23, 2022 |
Deposit Date | Apr 22, 2022 |
Publicly Available Date | Apr 22, 2022 |
Journal | Frontiers in Neuroscience |
Print ISSN | 1662-4548 |
Electronic ISSN | 1662-453X |
Publisher | Frontiers Media |
Peer Reviewed | Peer Reviewed |
Volume | 16 |
Article Number | 886772 |
DOI | https://doi.org/10.3389/fnins.2022.886772 |
Keywords | General Neuroscience |
Public URL | https://nottingham-repository.worktribe.com/output/7786758 |
Publisher URL | https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fnins.2022.886772/abstract |
The Developing Human Connectome Project Neonatal Data Release
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