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Attributing minds to vampires in Richard Matheson’s I Am Legend

Nuttall, Louise

Attributing minds to vampires in Richard Matheson’s I Am Legend Thumbnail


Louise Nuttall


For Palmer (2004, 2010), and other proponents of a cognitive narratology, research into real-world minds in the cognitive sciences provides insights into readers’ experiences of fictional minds. In this article, I explore the application of such research to the minds constructed for the vampire characters in Richard Matheson’s (1954) science fiction/horror novel I Am Legend. I draw upon empirical research into ‘mind attribution’ in social psychology, and apply Cognitive Grammar (Langacker, 2008), and its notion of ‘construal’, as a framework for the application of such findings to narrative. In my analysis, I suggest that readers’ attribution of mental-states to the vampires in Matheson’s novel is strategically limited through a number of choices in their linguistic construal. Drawing on online reader responses to the novel, I argue that readers’ understanding of these other minds plays an important role in their empathetic experience and their ethical judgement of the novel’s main character and focaliser, Robert Neville. Finally, I suggest that the limited mind attribution for the vampires invited through their construal contributes to the presentation of a ‘mind style’ (Fowler, 1977) for this character.


Nuttall, L. (2015). Attributing minds to vampires in Richard Matheson’s I Am Legend. Language and Literature, 24(1),

Journal Article Type Article
Publication Date Feb 9, 2015
Deposit Date Apr 28, 2015
Publicly Available Date Apr 28, 2015
Journal Language and Literature
Print ISSN 0963-9470
Electronic ISSN 1461-7293
Publisher SAGE Publications
Peer Reviewed Peer Reviewed
Volume 24
Issue 1
Keywords Fictional minds, mind attribution, Cognitive Grammar, construal, empathy, ethics, intermentality, mind style, I Am Legend, Matheson.
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