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Overview of the SDSS-IV MaNGA survey: mapping nearby galaxies at Apache Point Observatory

Bundy, Kevin; Bershady, Matthew A.; Law, David R.; Yan, Renbin; Drory, Niv; MacDonald, Nicholas; Wake, David A.; Cherinka, Brian; S?nchez-Gallego, Jos? R.; Weijmans, Anne-Marie; Thomas, Daniel; Tremonti, Christy; Masters, Karen; Coccato, Lodovico; Diamond-Stanic, Aleksandar M.; Arag?n-Salamanca, Alfonso; Avila-Reese, Vladimir; Badenes, Carles; Falc?n-Barroso, J?sus; Belfiore, Francesco; Bizyaev, Dmitry; Blanc, Guillermo A.; Bland-Hawthorn, Joss; Blanton, Michael R.; Brownstein, Joel R.; Byler, Nell; Cappellari, Michele; Conroy, Charlie; Dutton, Aaron A.; Emsellem, Eric; Etherington, James; Frinchaboy, Peter M.; Fu, Hai; Gunn, James E.; Harding, Paul; Johnston, Evelyn J.; Kauffmann, Guinevere; Kinemuchi, Karen; Klaene, Mark A.; Knapen, Johan H.; Leauthaud, Alexie; Li, Cheng; Lin, Lihwai; Maiolino, Roberto; Malanushenko, Viktor; Malanushenko, Elena; Mao, Shude; Maraston, Claudia; McDermid, Richard M.; Merrifield, Michael R.; Nichol, Robert C.; Oravetz, Daniel; Pan, Kaike; Parejko, John K...

Overview of the SDSS-IV MaNGA survey: mapping nearby galaxies at Apache Point Observatory Thumbnail


Kevin Bundy

Matthew A. Bershady

David R. Law

Renbin Yan

Niv Drory

Nicholas MacDonald

David A. Wake

Brian Cherinka

Jos� R. S�nchez-Gallego

Anne-Marie Weijmans

Daniel Thomas

Christy Tremonti

Karen Masters

Lodovico Coccato

Aleksandar M. Diamond-Stanic

Vladimir Avila-Reese

Carles Badenes

J�sus Falc�n-Barroso

Francesco Belfiore

Dmitry Bizyaev

Guillermo A. Blanc

Joss Bland-Hawthorn

Michael R. Blanton

Joel R. Brownstein

Nell Byler

Michele Cappellari

Charlie Conroy

Aaron A. Dutton

Eric Emsellem

James Etherington

Peter M. Frinchaboy

Hai Fu

James E. Gunn

Paul Harding

Evelyn J. Johnston

Guinevere Kauffmann

Karen Kinemuchi

Mark A. Klaene

Johan H. Knapen

Alexie Leauthaud

Cheng Li

Lihwai Lin

Roberto Maiolino

Viktor Malanushenko

Elena Malanushenko

Shude Mao

Claudia Maraston

Richard M. McDermid

Michael R. Merrifield

Robert C. Nichol

Daniel Oravetz

Kaike Pan

John K. Parejko

Sebastian F. Sanchez

David Schlegel

Audrey Simmons

Oliver Steele

Matthias Steinmetz

Karun Thanjavur

Benjamin A. Thompson

Jeremy L. Tinker

Remco C. E. van den Bosch

Kyle B. Westfall

David Wilkinson

Shelley Wright

Ting Xiao

Kai Zhang


We present an overview of a new integral field spectroscopic survey called MaNGA (Mapping Nearby Galaxies at Apache Point Observatory), one of three core programs in the fourth-generation Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS-IV) that began on 2014 July 1. MaNGA will investigate the internal kinematic structure and composition of gas and stars in an unprecedented sample of 10,000 nearby galaxies. We summarize essential characteristics of the instrument and survey design in the context of MaNGA's key science goals and present prototype observations to demonstrate MaNGA's scientific potential. MaNGA employs dithered observations with 17 fiber-bundle integral field units that vary in diameter from 12'' (19 fibers) to 32'' (127 fibers). Two dual-channel spectrographs provide simultaneous wavelength coverage over 3600-10300 Å at R ~ 2000. With a typical integration time of 3 hr, MaNGA reaches a target r-band signal-to-noise ratio of 4-8 (Å–1 per 2'' fiber) at 23 AB mag arcsec–2, which is typical for the outskirts of MaNGA galaxies. Targets are selected with M * 109 M ☉ using SDSS-I redshifts and i-band luminosity to achieve uniform radial coverage in terms of the effective radius, an approximately flat distribution in stellar mass, and a sample spanning a wide range of environments. Analysis of our prototype observations demonstrates MaNGA's ability to probe gas ionization, shed light on recent star formation and quenching, enable dynamical modeling, decompose constituent components, and map the composition of stellar populations. MaNGA's spatially resolved spectra will enable an unprecedented study of the astrophysics of nearby galaxies in the coming 6 yr.


Bundy, K., Bershady, M. A., Law, D. R., Yan, R., Drory, N., MacDonald, N., Wake, D. A., Cherinka, B., Sánchez-Gallego, J. R., Weijmans, A.-M., Thomas, D., Tremonti, C., Masters, K., Coccato, L., Diamond-Stanic, A. M., Aragón-Salamanca, A., Avila-Reese, V., Badenes, C., Falcón-Barroso, J., Belfiore, F., …Zhang, K. (2014). Overview of the SDSS-IV MaNGA survey: mapping nearby galaxies at Apache Point Observatory. Astrophysical Journal, 798(1), 7.

Journal Article Type Article
Acceptance Date Oct 21, 2014
Online Publication Date Dec 10, 2014
Publication Date Dec 10, 2014
Deposit Date Jul 11, 2016
Publicly Available Date Jul 11, 2016
Journal The Astrophysical Journal
Print ISSN 0004-637X
Electronic ISSN 1538-4357
Publisher American Astronomical Society
Peer Reviewed Peer Reviewed
Volume 798
Issue 1
Article Number 7
Pages 7
Public URL
Publisher URL
Contract Date Jul 11, 2016


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