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Interaction Testing and Polygenic Risk Scoring to Estimate the Association of Common Genetic Variants with Treatment Resistance in Schizophrenia

Pardiñas, Antonio F.; Smart, Sophie E.; Willcocks, Isabella R.; Holmans, Peter A.; Dennison, Charlotte A.; Lynham, Amy J.; Legge, Sophie E.; Baune, Bernhard T.; Bigdeli, Tim B.; Cairns, Murray J.; Corvin, Aiden; Fanous, Ayman H.; Frank, Josef; Kelly, Brian; McQuillin, Andrew; Melle, Ingrid; Mortensen, Preben B.; Mowry, Bryan J.; Pato, Carlos N.; Periyasamy, Sathish; Rietschel, Marcella; Rujescu, Dan; Simonsen, Carmen; St Clair, David; Tooney, Paul; Wu, Jing Qin; Andreassen, Ole A.; Kowalec, Kaarina; Sullivan, Patrick F.; Murray, Robin M.; Owen, Michael J.; MacCabe, James H.; O’Donovan, Michael C.; Walters, James T. R.; Ripke, Stephan; Neale, Benjamin M.; Farh, Kai-How; Lee, Phil; Bulik-Sullivan, Brendan; Collier, David A.; Huang, Hailiang; Pers, Tune H.; Agartz, Ingrid; Agerbo, Esben; Albus, Margot; Alexander, Madeline; Amin, Farooq; Bacanu, Silviu A.; Begemann, Martin; Belliveau, Richard A .; Bene, Judit; Bergen, Sarah E.; Bevilacqua, Elizabeth; Black, Donald W.; Bruggeman, Richard; B...

Interaction Testing and Polygenic Risk Scoring to Estimate the Association of Common Genetic Variants with Treatment Resistance in Schizophrenia Thumbnail


Antonio F. Pardiñas

Sophie E. Smart

Isabella R. Willcocks

Peter A. Holmans

Charlotte A. Dennison

Amy J. Lynham

Sophie E. Legge

Bernhard T. Baune

Tim B. Bigdeli

Murray J. Cairns

Aiden Corvin

Ayman H. Fanous

Josef Frank

Brian Kelly

Andrew McQuillin

Ingrid Melle

Preben B. Mortensen

Bryan J. Mowry

Carlos N. Pato

Sathish Periyasamy

Marcella Rietschel

Dan Rujescu

Carmen Simonsen

David St Clair

Paul Tooney

Jing Qin Wu

Ole A. Andreassen

Kaarina Kowalec

Patrick F. Sullivan

Robin M. Murray

Michael J. Owen

James H. MacCabe

Michael C. O’Donovan

James T. R. Walters

Stephan Ripke

Benjamin M. Neale

Kai-How Farh

Phil Lee

Brendan Bulik-Sullivan

David A. Collier

Hailiang Huang

Tune H. Pers

Ingrid Agartz

Esben Agerbo

Margot Albus

Madeline Alexander

Farooq Amin

Silviu A. Bacanu

Martin Begemann

Richard A . Belliveau

Judit Bene

Sarah E. Bergen

Elizabeth Bevilacqua

Donald W. Black

Richard Bruggeman

Nancy G. Buccola

Randy L. Buckner

William Byerley

Wiepke Cahn

Guiqing Cai

Dominique Campion

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Andrea Tortelli

Alp Üçok

Javier Vázquez-Bourgon


Importance: About 20% to 30% of people with schizophrenia have psychotic symptoms that do not respond adequately to first-line antipsychotic treatment. This clinical presentation, chronic and highly disabling, is known as treatment-resistant schizophrenia (TRS). The causes of treatment resistance and their relationships with causes underlying schizophrenia are largely unknown. Adequately powered genetic studies of TRS are scarce because of the difficulty in collecting data from well-characterized TRS cohorts. Objective: To examine the genetic architecture of TRS through the reassessment of genetic data from schizophrenia studies and its validation in carefully ascertained clinical samples. Design, Setting, and Participants: Two case-control genome-wide association studies (GWASs) of schizophrenia were performed in which the case samples were defined as individuals with TRS (n = 10501) and individuals with non-TRS (n = 20325). The differences in effect sizes for allelic associations were then determined between both studies, the reasoning being such differences reflect treatment resistance instead of schizophrenia. Genotype data were retrieved from the CLOZUK and Psychiatric Genomics Consortium (PGC) schizophrenia studies. The output was validated using polygenic risk score (PRS) profiling of 2 independent schizophrenia cohorts with TRS and non-TRS: a prevalence sample with 817 individuals (Cardiff Cognition in Schizophrenia [CardiffCOGS]) and an incidence sample with 563 individuals (Genetics Workstream of the Schizophrenia Treatment Resistance and Therapeutic Advances [STRATA-G]). Main Outcomes and Measures: GWAS of treatment resistance in schizophrenia. The results of the GWAS were compared with complex polygenic traits through a genetic correlation approach and were used for PRS analysis on the independent validation cohorts using the same TRS definition. Results: The study included a total of 85490 participants (48635 [56.9%] male) in its GWAS stage and 1380 participants (859 [62.2%] male) in its PRS validation stage. Treatment resistance in schizophrenia emerged as a polygenic trait with detectable heritability (1% to 4%), and several traits related to intelligence and cognition were found to be genetically correlated with it (genetic correlation, 0.41-0.69). PRS analysis in the CardiffCOGS prevalence sample showed a positive association between TRS and a history of taking clozapine (r2 = 2.03%; P =.001), which was replicated in the STRATA-G incidence sample (r2 = 1.09%; P =.04). Conclusions and Relevance: In this GWAS, common genetic variants were differentially associated with TRS, and these associations may have been obscured through the amalgamation of large GWAS samples in previous studies of broadly defined schizophrenia. Findings of this study suggest the validity of meta-analytic approaches for studies on patient outcomes, including treatment resistance.


Pardiñas, A. F., Smart, S. E., Willcocks, I. R., Holmans, P. A., Dennison, C. A., Lynham, A. J., …Vázquez-Bourgon, J. (2022). Interaction Testing and Polygenic Risk Scoring to Estimate the Association of Common Genetic Variants with Treatment Resistance in Schizophrenia. JAMA Psychiatry, 79(3), 260-269.

Journal Article Type Article
Acceptance Date Nov 2, 2021
Online Publication Date Jan 12, 2022
Publication Date Mar 1, 2022
Deposit Date Jan 14, 2022
Publicly Available Date Jan 14, 2022
Journal JAMA Psychiatry
Print ISSN 2168-622X
Electronic ISSN 2168-6238
Publisher American Medical Association
Peer Reviewed Peer Reviewed
Volume 79
Issue 3
Pages 260-269
Keywords Psychiatry and Mental health
Public URL
Publisher URL
Additional Information Authors on behalf of the Genetics Workstream of the Schizophrenia Treatment Resistance and Therapeutic Advances (STRATA) Consortium and the Schizophrenia Working Group of the Psychiatric Genomics Consortium (PGC).

University of Nottingham author: Professor Gillian A. Doody. (Genetics Workstream of the Schizophrenia Treatment Resistance and Therapeutic Advances (STRATA) Consortium)


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