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SIOP Ependymoma I: Final results, long term follow-up and molecular analysis of the trial cohort: A BIOMECA Consortium Study

Ritzmann, Timothy A; Chapman, Rebecca J; Kilday, John-Paul; Thorp, Nicola; Modena, Piergiorgio; Dineen, Robert A; Macarthur, Donald; Mallucci, Conor; Jaspan, Timothy; Pajtler, Kristian W; Giagnacovo, Marzia; Jacques, Thomas; Paine, Simon; Ellison, David; Bouffet, Eric; Grundy, Richard G

SIOP Ependymoma I: Final results, long term follow-up and molecular analysis of the trial cohort: A BIOMECA Consortium Study Thumbnail


Rebecca J Chapman

John-Paul Kilday

Nicola Thorp

Piergiorgio Modena

Donald Macarthur

Conor Mallucci

Timothy Jaspan

Kristian W Pajtler

Marzia Giagnacovo

Thomas Jacques

Simon Paine

David Ellison

Eric Bouffet


SIOP Ependymoma I was a non-randomised trial assessing event free and overall survival (EFS/OS) of non-metastatic intracranial ependymoma in children aged 3 to 21 years treated with a staged management strategy. A further aim was to assess the response rate (RR) of subtotally resected (STR) ependymoma to vincristine, etoposide and cyclophosphamide (VEC). We report final results with 12-year follow-up and post hoc analyses of recently described biomarkers.

74 participants were eligible. Children with gross total resection (GTR) received radiotherapy, whilst those with STR received VEC before radiotherapy. DNA methylation, 1q, hTERT ,ReLA, Tenascin-C, H3K27me3 and pAKT status were evaluated.

Five- and ten-year EFS was 49.5% and 46.7%, OS was 69.3% and 60.5%. GTR was achieved in 33/74 (44.6%) and associated with improved EFS (p=0.003, HR=2.6, 95% confidence interval (CI) 1.4-5.1). Grade 3 tumours were associated with worse OS (p=0.005, HR=2.8, 95%CI 1.3-5.8). 1q gain and hTERT expression were associated with poorer EFS (p=0.003, HR=2.70, 95%CI 1.49-6.10 and p=0.014, HR=5.8, 95%CI 1.2-28) and H3K27me3 loss with worse OS (p=0.003, HR=4.6, 95%CI 1.5-13.2). Methylation profiles showed expected patterns. 12 participants with STR did not receive chemotherapy; a protocol violation. However, best chemotherapy RR was 65.5% (19/29, 95%CI 45.7-82.1), exceeding the prespecified 45%.

Participants with totally resected ependymoma had the best outcomes. RR of STR to VEC exceeded the pre-specified efficacy criterion. However, cases of inaccurate stratification highlighted the need for rapid central review. 1q gain, H3K27me3 loss and hTERT expression were all associated with poorer survival outcomes.


Ritzmann, T. A., Chapman, R. J., Kilday, J.-P., Thorp, N., Modena, P., Dineen, R. A., Macarthur, D., Mallucci, C., Jaspan, T., Pajtler, K. W., Giagnacovo, M., Jacques, T., Paine, S., Ellison, D., Bouffet, E., & Grundy, R. G. (2022). SIOP Ependymoma I: Final results, long term follow-up and molecular analysis of the trial cohort: A BIOMECA Consortium Study. Neuro-Oncology, 24(6), 936–948.

Journal Article Type Article
Acceptance Date Jan 4, 2022
Online Publication Date Jan 9, 2022
Publication Date 2022-06
Deposit Date Jan 5, 2022
Publicly Available Date Jan 13, 2022
Journal Neuro-Oncology
Print ISSN 1522-8517
Electronic ISSN 1523-5866
Publisher Oxford University Press
Peer Reviewed Peer Reviewed
Volume 24
Issue 6
Pages 936–948
Public URL
Publisher URL


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