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Exploring social patterns of participation in university-entrance level mathematics in England

Noyes, Andrew

Exploring social patterns of participation in university-entrance level mathematics in England Thumbnail



In recent years in England there has been considerable attention given to a range of apparent crises in mathematics education, one of which has been the long term decline of participation in university-entrance level (Advanced or A) mathematics. Given the negative impact upon mathematics participation of Curriculum 2000, together with the government’s emphasis on Science Technology Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) subjects, the political intent to increase participation in Advanced level mathematics is clear. This paper uses the National Pupil Database (NPD) to develop a descriptive statistical account of how completion of Advanced level mathematics varies along the social axes of SES, ethnicity and gender. The process of working with the NPD is discussed in some depth in order to clarify the processes involved in this type of quantitative analysis and to illustrate how this analysis can be used to raise questions about who is doing what mathematics in the post-16 age-range.


Noyes, A. (2009). Exploring social patterns of participation in university-entrance level mathematics in England. Research in Mathematics Education, 11(2),

Journal Article Type Article
Publication Date Jul 22, 2009
Deposit Date Dec 8, 2014
Publicly Available Date Dec 8, 2014
Journal Research in Mathematics Education
Print ISSN 1479-4802
Electronic ISSN 1754-0178
Publisher Routledge
Peer Reviewed Peer Reviewed
Volume 11
Issue 2
Keywords university-entrance level mathematics, advanced mathematics, participation, National Pupil Database
Public URL
Publisher URL
Additional Information This is an Accepted Manuscript of an article published by Taylor & Francis Group in Research in Mathematics Education on 22/07/2009, available online:


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