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New innovations in pavement materials and engineering: A review on pavement engineering research 2021

Chen, Jiaqi; Dan, Hancheng; Ding, Yongjie; Gao, Yangming; Guo, Meng; Guo, Shuaicheng; Han, Bingye; Hong, Bin; Hou, Yue; Hu, Chichun; Hu, Jing; Huyan, Ju; Jiang, Jiwang; Jiang, Wei; Li, Cheng; Liu, Pengfei; Liu, Yu; Liu, Zhuangzhuang; Lu, Guoyang; Ouyang, Jian; Qu, Xin; Ren, Dongya; Wang, Chao; Wang, Chaohui; Wang, Dawei; Wang, Di; Wang, Hainian; Wang, Haopeng; Xiao, Yue; Xing, Chao; Xu, Huining; Yan, Yu; Yang, Xu; You, Lingyun; You, Zhanping; Yu, Bin; Yu, Huayang; Yu, Huanan; Zhang, Henglong; Zhang, Jizhe; Zhou, Changhong; Zhou, Changjun; Zhu, Xingyi

New innovations in pavement materials and engineering: A review on pavement engineering research 2021 Thumbnail


Jiaqi Chen

Hancheng Dan

Yongjie Ding

Yangming Gao

Meng Guo

Shuaicheng Guo

Bingye Han

Bin Hong

Yue Hou

Chichun Hu

Jing Hu

Ju Huyan

Jiwang Jiang

Wei Jiang

Cheng Li

Pengfei Liu

Yu Liu

Zhuangzhuang Liu

Guoyang Lu

Jian Ouyang

Xin Qu

Dongya Ren

Chao Wang

Chaohui Wang

Dawei Wang

Di Wang

Hainian Wang

Haopeng Wang

Yue Xiao

Chao Xing

Huining Xu

Yu Yan

Xu Yang

Lingyun You

Zhanping You

Bin Yu

Huayang Yu

Huanan Yu

Henglong Zhang

Jizhe Zhang

Changhong Zhou

Changjun Zhou

Xingyi Zhu


Sustainable and resilient pavement infrastructure is critical for current economic and environmental challenges. In the past 10 years, the pavement infrastructure strongly supports the rapid development of the global social economy. New theories, new methods, new technologies and new materials related to pavement engineering are emerging. Deterioration of pavement infrastructure is a typical multi-physics problem. Because of actual coupled behaviors of traffic and environmental conditions, predictions of pavement service life become more and more complicated and require a deep knowledge of pavement material analysis. In order to summarize the current and determine the future research of pavement engineering, Journal of Traffic and Transportation Engineering (English Edition) has launched a review paper on the topic of “New innovations in pavement materials and engineering: A review on pavement engineering research 2021”. Based on the joint-effort of 43 scholars from 24 well-known universities in highway engineering, this review paper systematically analyzes the research status and future development direction of 5 major fields of pavement engineering in the world. The content includes asphalt binder performance and modeling, mixture performance and modeling of pavement materials, multi-scale mechanics, green and sustainable pavement, and intelligent pavement. Overall, this review paper is able to provide references and insights for researchers and engineers in the field of pavement engineering.


Chen, J., Dan, H., Ding, Y., Gao, Y., Guo, M., Guo, S., …Zhu, X. (2021). New innovations in pavement materials and engineering: A review on pavement engineering research 2021. Journal of Traffic and Transportation Engineering, 8(6), 815-999.

Journal Article Type Review
Acceptance Date Nov 26, 2021
Online Publication Date Nov 26, 2021
Publication Date Dec 1, 2021
Deposit Date Dec 8, 2021
Publicly Available Date Dec 14, 2021
Journal Journal of Traffic and Transportation Engineering (English Edition)
Publisher David Publishing
Peer Reviewed Peer Reviewed
Volume 8
Issue 6
Pages 815-999
Keywords Transportation; Civil and Structural Engineering
Public URL
Publisher URL


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