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Assessing the Role of Gaze Tracking in Optimizing Humans-In-The-Loop Telerobotic Operation Using Multimodal Feedback

Bolarinwa, Joseph; Eimontaite, Iveta; Mitchell, Tom; Dogramadzi, Sanja; Caleb-Solly, Praminda

Assessing the Role of Gaze Tracking in Optimizing Humans-In-The-Loop Telerobotic Operation Using Multimodal Feedback Thumbnail


Joseph Bolarinwa

Iveta Eimontaite

Tom Mitchell

Sanja Dogramadzi


A key challenge in achieving effective robot teleoperation is minimizing teleoperators’ cognitive workload and fatigue. We set out to investigate the extent to which gaze tracking data can reveal how teleoperators interact with a system. In this study, we present an analysis of gaze tracking, captured as participants completed a multi-stage task: grasping and emptying the contents of a jar into a container. The task was repeated with different combinations of visual, haptic, and verbal feedback. Our aim was to determine if teleoperation workload can be inferred by combining the gaze duration, fixation count, task completion time, and complexity of robot motion (measured as the sum of robot joint steps) at different stages of the task. Visual information of the robot workspace was captured using four cameras, positioned to capture the robot workspace from different angles. These camera views (aerial, right, eye-level, and left) were displayed through four quadrants (top-left, top-right, bottom-left, and bottom-right quadrants) of participants’ video feedback computer screen, respectively. We found that the gaze duration and the fixation count were highly dependent on the stage of the task and the feedback scenario utilized. The results revealed that combining feedback modalities reduced the cognitive workload (inferred by investigating the correlation between gaze duration, fixation count, task completion time, success or failure of task completion, and robot gripper trajectories), particularly in the task stages that require more precision. There was a significant positive correlation between gaze duration and complexity of robot joint movements. Participants’ gaze outside the areas of interest (distractions) was not influenced by feedback scenarios. A learning effect was observed in the use of the controller for all participants as they repeated the task with different feedback combination scenarios. To design a system for teleoperation, applicable in healthcare, we found that the analysis of teleoperators’ gaze can help understand how teleoperators interact with the system, hence making it possible to develop the system from the teleoperators’ stand point.


Bolarinwa, J., Eimontaite, I., Mitchell, T., Dogramadzi, S., & Caleb-Solly, P. (2021). Assessing the Role of Gaze Tracking in Optimizing Humans-In-The-Loop Telerobotic Operation Using Multimodal Feedback. Frontiers in Robotics and AI, 8, Article 578596.

Journal Article Type Article
Acceptance Date Aug 2, 2021
Online Publication Date Oct 4, 2021
Publication Date 2021-10
Deposit Date Sep 27, 2023
Publicly Available Date Nov 16, 2023
Journal Frontiers in Robotics and AI
Electronic ISSN 2296-9144
Publisher Frontiers Media
Peer Reviewed Peer Reviewed
Volume 8
Article Number 578596
Keywords Artificial Intelligence; Computer Science Applications
Public URL
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