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Frequency-Domain Data-Driven Adaptive Iterative Learning Control Approach: With Application to Wafer Stage

Fu, Xuewei; Yang, Xiaofeng; Zanchetta, Pericle; Liu, Yang; Ding, Chenyang; Tang, Mi; Chen, Zhenyu

Frequency-Domain Data-Driven Adaptive Iterative Learning Control Approach: With Application to Wafer Stage Thumbnail


Xuewei Fu

Xiaofeng Yang

Pericle Zanchetta

Yang Liu

Chenyang Ding

Mi Tang

Zhenyu Chen


The feedforward control is becoming increasingly important in ultra-precision stages. However, the conventional model-based methods cannot achieve expected performance in new-generation stages since it is hard to obtain the accurate plant model due to the complicated stage dynamical properties. To tackle this problem, this article develops a model-free data-driven adaptive iterative learning approach that is designed in the frequency-domain. Explicitly, the proposed method utilizes the frequency-response data to learn and update the output of the feedforward controller online, which has benefits that both the structure and parameters of the plant model are not required. An unbiased estimation method for the frequency response of the closed-loop system is proposed and proved through the theoretical analysis. Comparative experiments on a linear motor confirm the effectiveness and superiority of the proposed method, and show that it has the ability to avoid the performance deterioration caused by the model mismatch with the increasing iterative trials.


Fu, X., Yang, X., Zanchetta, P., Liu, Y., Ding, C., Tang, M., & Chen, Z. (2021). Frequency-Domain Data-Driven Adaptive Iterative Learning Control Approach: With Application to Wafer Stage. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, 68(10), 9309-9318.

Journal Article Type Article
Acceptance Date Aug 24, 2020
Online Publication Date Sep 15, 2020
Publication Date Oct 1, 2021
Deposit Date Oct 15, 2021
Publicly Available Date Oct 15, 2021
Journal IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics
Print ISSN 0278-0046
Electronic ISSN 1557-9948
Publisher Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
Peer Reviewed Peer Reviewed
Volume 68
Issue 10
Pages 9309-9318
Keywords Electrical and Electronic Engineering; Control and Systems Engineering
Public URL
Publisher URL
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