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Feasibility of realizing daytime solar heating and radiative cooling simultaneously with a novel structure

Hu, Mingke; Zhao, Bin; Suhendri; Cao, Jingyu; Wang, Qiliang; Riffat, Saffa; Su, Yuehong; Pei, Gang

Feasibility of realizing daytime solar heating and radiative cooling simultaneously with a novel structure Thumbnail


Mingke Hu

Bin Zhao


Jingyu Cao

Qiliang Wang

Gang Pei


Recent breakthroughs in preparing near-perfect emitters have made it possible to realize daytime radiative cooling under intensive solar radiation. However, a typical radiative cooler cannot deliver heat and may even cause an undesired cooling effect on cold days. Instead of rejecting the solar radiation back to the sky, this work proposes a new concept of capturing this “free” renewable energy while dumping waste heat through radiative cooling. The new structure features an upper solar-transparent radiative emitter and a lower solar absorber. Simulation results suggest that, to realize daytime solar heating and radiative cooling simultaneously, the emitter solar-absorptivity should be extremely low, and the absorbed solar heat should be instantly and effectively taken away by thermal carriers. With an ambient temperature of 25°C and a maximum solar irradiance of 1000 W/m2, the emitter can always reach a sub-ambient temperature if the absorber temperature is lower than 33.9°C in the non-vacuum case, and can exceed 70°C if the air cavity between the emitter and absorber is vacuumized. A performance simulation in three consecutive days in Shanghai reveals that the emitter can realize daytime radiative cooling with a temperature reduction of over 9.3°C from the ambient temperature around noon.


Hu, M., Zhao, B., Suhendri, Cao, J., Wang, Q., Riffat, S., Su, Y., & Pei, G. (2021). Feasibility of realizing daytime solar heating and radiative cooling simultaneously with a novel structure. Sustainable Cities and Society, 74, Article 103224.

Journal Article Type Article
Acceptance Date Jul 30, 2021
Online Publication Date Aug 3, 2021
Publication Date 2021-11
Deposit Date Aug 9, 2021
Publicly Available Date Aug 4, 2022
Journal Sustainable Cities and Society
Print ISSN 2210-6707
Publisher Elsevier
Peer Reviewed Peer Reviewed
Volume 74
Article Number 103224
Keywords Transportation; Renewable Energy, Sustainability and the Environment; Civil and Structural Engineering; Geography, Planning and Development
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