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The detectability of strong 21-cm forest absorbers from the diffuse intergalactic medium in late reionization models

Šoltinskí, Tomáš; Bolton, James S; Hatch, Nina; Haehnelt, Martin G; Keating, Laura C; Kulkarni, Girish; Puchwein, Ewald; Chardin, Jonathan; Aubert, Dominique

The detectability of strong 21-cm forest absorbers from the diffuse intergalactic medium in late reionization models Thumbnail


Tomáš Šoltinskí

Martin G Haehnelt

Laura C Keating

Girish Kulkarni

Ewald Puchwein

Jonathan Chardin

Dominique Aubert


A late end to reionization at redshift z ≈ 5.3 is consistent with observed spatial variations in the Ly α forest transmission and the deficit of Ly α emitting galaxies around extended Ly α absorption troughs at z = 5.5. In this model, large islands of neutral hydrogen should persist in the diffuse intergalactic medium (IGM) until z ≈ 6. We use a novel, hybrid approach that combines high-resolution cosmological hydrodynamical simulations with radiative transfer to predict the incidence of strong 21-cm forest absorbers with optical depths τ 21 > 10−2 from the diffuse IGM in these late reionization models. We include the effect of redshiftτspace distortions on the simulated 21-cm forest spectra, and treat the highly uncertain heating of the pre-reionization IGM byτsoft X-rays as a free parameter. For a model with only modest IGM pre-heating, such that average gas kinetic temperatures inτthe diffuse IGM remain below TK ≈ 102 K, we find that strong 21-cm forest absorption lines should persist until z = 6. For aτsample of ∼10 sufficiently radio-loud background sources, a null-detection of 21-cm forest absorbers at z ≈ 6 with SKA1-low or possibly LOFAR should provide an informative lower limit on the still largely unconstrained soft X-ray background at high redshift and the temperature of the pre-reionization IGM.


Šoltinskí, T., Bolton, J. S., Hatch, N., Haehnelt, M. G., Keating, L. C., Kulkarni, G., Puchwein, E., Chardin, J., & Aubert, D. (2021). The detectability of strong 21-cm forest absorbers from the diffuse intergalactic medium in late reionization models. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 506(4), 5818–5835.

Journal Article Type Article
Acceptance Date Jun 24, 2021
Online Publication Date Jul 1, 2021
Publication Date 2021-10
Deposit Date Jul 5, 2021
Publicly Available Date Jul 7, 2021
Journal Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society
Print ISSN 0035-8711
Electronic ISSN 1365-2966
Publisher Oxford University Press
Peer Reviewed Peer Reviewed
Volume 506
Issue 4
Pages 5818–5835
Keywords Space and Planetary Science; Astronomy and Astrophysics
Public URL
Publisher URL
Additional Information This article has been accepted for publication in Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society ©2021 The Author(s)
Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of Royal Astronomical Society. All rights reserved.


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