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Doing flood risk modelling differently: Evaluating the potential for participatory techniques to broaden flood risk management decision‐making

Maskrey, Shaun A.; Mount, Nick J.; Thorne, Colin R.

Doing flood risk modelling differently: Evaluating the potential for participatory techniques to broaden flood risk management decision‐making Thumbnail


Shaun A. Maskrey

Colin R. Thorne


Responsibility for flood risk management (FRM) is increasingly being devolved to a wider set of stakeholders, and effective participation by multiple FRM agencies and communities at risk calls for engagement approaches that supplement and make the best possible use of hydrologic and hydraulic flood modelling. Stakeholder engagement must strike a considered balance between participation ideals and the pragmatic realities of existing mechanisms for flood risk management decision-making. This paper evaluates the potential for using participatory modelling to facilitate engagement and co- production of knowledge by FRM modellers, practitioners and other stakeholders. Participatory modelling offers an approach that is flexible and versatile, yet sufficiently structured that it can support meaningful representation of scientific, empirical and local knowledges in producing outcomes that can readily be integrated into existing procedures for shared decision-making. This paper frames the qualities of participatory modelling useful to FRM, as being accessible, transparent, adaptable, evaluative and holistic. These qualities are used as criteria with which to assess the practical utility of three popular participatory techniques: Bayesian networks, system dynamics and fuzzy cognitive mapping. Case studies are used to illustrate how each technique might benefit FRM options appraisal and decision-making. While each technique has potential, none is ideal, and local contexts will guide selection of which technique is best suited to deliver effective stakeholder participation.


Maskrey, S. A., Mount, N. J., & Thorne, C. R. (2022). Doing flood risk modelling differently: Evaluating the potential for participatory techniques to broaden flood risk management decision‐making. Journal of Flood Risk Management, 15(1), Article e12757.

Journal Article Type Article
Acceptance Date May 19, 2021
Online Publication Date Sep 29, 2021
Publication Date 2022-03
Deposit Date Jun 25, 2021
Publicly Available Date Sep 29, 2021
Journal Journal of Flood Risk Management
Electronic ISSN 1753-318X
Publisher Wiley
Peer Reviewed Peer Reviewed
Volume 15
Issue 1
Article Number e12757
Keywords Water Science and Technology; Safety, Risk, Reliability and Quality; Geography, Planning and Development; Environmental Engineering
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